Birthday Authority

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Sophie's POV
Andy's parents called him after they returned to his place. They told us that after we left, my parents went back to normal quite quickly, pretending like everything was fine and that nothing happened. I knew this would happen. This wasn't the first time they heard such harsh criticism of their parenting. I used to have outbursts like that pretty often in the past. And who's to say that I won't explode like that again. But it was the first time somebody else gave them a piece of his mind in defence of my honour, which I still can't believe actually happened.

Amy and Chris said they were both proud of their son for standing up for me like that. They were sorry that they never noticed how my parents treated me. I told them it was okay, to which Andy added that it was absolutely not okay. Anyway, then Andy's parents asked if his proclamation of love at the end of his outburst meant that we were together. We confirmed it and they were over the moon.

Before we finished the conversation, I asked them if everything that happened meant that they wouldn't be friends with my parents anymore, because I didn't want that, which I also told them. Andy contradicted me again and asked his parents not to hang out with mine anymore. All three of us tried explaining to him that seeing as the families would now be connected through our relationship, it really didn't make sense for Amy and Chris to avoid my parents. We finished the conversation soon after that.

He wanted to know why I was trying to have our parents still be friends. I told him that they would never see the error of their way. It was useless to try and punish them this way. Our parents were grown-ups and if they wanted to keep being friends, it was none of our business. He reluctantly dropped the subject.

"Now, I have another surprise for you," I told him when we stopped talking about what happened.

"I hope it has something to do with you being naked," he smirked, his eyes lighting up.

"We can do that later. I was talking about another compromise between our tastes in movies. I found 'The Nightmare before Christmas' on Netflix for us to watch," I said.

"I don't know, Williams... If it's between you naked and an animated movie... I think I'd prefer the former, sorry," he shrugged.

"You're horrible, you know that?" I asked, smiling. He gave me an evil smile and lead me to my bedroom by my hand.

In all honesty, I preferred the option he chose, too. As soon as all our clothing hit the floor, and he pushed me on my bed, everything else was forgotten. The only memory that lingered was his declaration of love. That memory made the sex even better if that was even possible.

Two hours later (???!!!), we were on my couch, watching one of my favourite animated movies of all time. I was sitting in an upright position, and he was lying on his side, with his head in my lap. I absentmindedly played with his hair while he drew circles on my thigh with his thumb. Half-way through the movie my alarm rang, signalling midnight. I paused the movie and started singing: "Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday, dear asshat, happy birthday to you."

He sat up and pouted at my previous nickname for him. "Happy birthday, dear Biersnack," I corrected myself. "Better?" I smiled. He leaned down and kissed me. "Much better," he smiled.

"I got you something," I said, trying to stand up. He pulled me back down. I was now sitting in his lap. "Can it wait? I want to keep kissing you," he told me.

"It will literally take me a second to return with your gift," I rolled my eyes.

"What did we say about rolling your eyes, Williams?" He asked threateningly. I giggled and rolled my eyes again. He growled and flipped me over. AND THEN HE FINALLY SPANKED ME. HALLELUJAH.

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