Chapter Nine - Demwyn

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Another event to attend, wearing this uncomfortable suit. And this was just one of many. It would go on for weeks until the selection. I didn't want to think about that. It was still something I could ignore for now, I knew my time was running out but the less I thought about it the further away it seemed. At least that was how I chose to see it.

"Brother, relax, don't stand so rigid like your about to go into battle." Aeris says, slapping my shoulder with a smile on his face. There was always some kind of smile on his face, most of the time it wasn't a happy or kind one.

"If going into battle meant I didn't have to wear this, then I would gladly go." I return, pulling at the collar of my jacket.

Aeris laughs, grabbing my shoulders and jostling me slightly.

"Now now Dem, we must all play our part and look like the Princes we are, we can't always walk around in our fighting leathers scaring everyone away." Aeris teases as he is prone to do. I only smile at him then attempt to ruffle his hair but he ducks away quickly, stepping out of my reach.

"Speaking of scaring everyone away, have you found anymore hiding humans?" Alvaryn asks Aeris, coming to stand with us.

"Luckily no, though I did spend a few hours with someone far more interesting last night, and this morning." He answers with his mischievous grin. Alvaryn only smiles and shakes his head.

Aeris would always be hard to reign in, over the years his escapades had gotten him into more trouble than both Alvaryn and I combined, but it never made him change his ways. I wasn't sure if it had something to do with being the youngest, mother was particularly affectionate to him, he had been born with her white blonde hair which I think endeared him to her a little more. Or maybe it was knowing he would be her last child.

He had always been wild and wilful, I remember the nannies chasing him around the palace hallways or listening to him screaming for something he wanted but wasn't allowed.

I had hoped taking him into battle might help straighten him out a little, make him see a different side to being a Prince, to being in his position of power. He had never been a shy or reluctant like Alvaryn had to wielding a sword or cutting down his enemy, he had thrived in it for the most part. Coming back covered in blood and a certain wild gleam in his eye after winning a battle. If anything it gave him an outlet, a way to express that wildness within him.

Alvaryn was a different beast altogether, he didn't disapprove of fighting or war, he just knew that his strongest gift wasn't in his fighting, it was his mind. He had a mind for strategy and tactics like no other, with the amount of books he read and studied it was easy to see why.

"Do you think father would mind if I disappear a little early?" Aeris asks looking around as the servants finish setting up.

"Yes." Alvaryn and I answer at the same time.

"Well, I guess only time will tell." Aeris smiles, always confident he can get away with anything. And I suppose for the most part he does. He was never really punished for anything he did, father would yell at him and tell him how disappointed he was, then he would be told to not leave the palace ground for a certain amount of time which wouldn't really stop him from misbehaving and he would normally only last a few days before he broke those rules as well, then it would happen all over again.

"Maybe try and not give our father an aneurysm today and just stay until the end. And speaking of father, I suppose that means that we will all have to actually engage with the girls today." Alvaryn suggests, eyes scanning as they make their way out to the garden.

We stand and watch as the Lords and the few Ladies fill up the garden space as well, father and mother join us at their podium.

Mother smiles at each of us before taking her seat beside our father.

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