Chapter 10 - Athena's P.O.V.

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I groaned and turned around in my bed.
It was way too early for my alarm clock to go off already.
I moved my hand over the night stand, trying to find my phone and turn of the alarm, but I didn't feel it anywhere.

Still the sound was obnoxiously blaring in my hotel room.
I opened my eyes, trying to locate my phone so that I could turn of the ringing.

The second I opened my eyes, I realised I wasn't in my hotel room.
I wasn't even wearing my own clothes.


My mind was as clear and suddenly I was wide awake.
The events from last night replayed in my head.

The kissing, the sex, how amazingly sweet Charles was afterwards.
I remember him walking around in the room, getting al sorts of things for me.

But right now he was nowhere to be seen.
Hurt and anger flooded my chest.
Did that bastard leave me alone in his hotel room?
He could've told me to leave yesterday evening, instead of just vanishing from his own hotel room the morning after, like I was just some random girl he hooked up with.
Did it mean nothing to him?
Did he wake up today, now all sober and realize that it was a mistake?

My alarm was still going strong, so I stood up groaning and walked over to my purse.
I took my phone, turned of the peeping and sat back down on the bed.
No messages.

Good sign, meaning my manager didn't feel the need to inform me about any stupid shit that I did yesterday and that the media found out about.
Bad sign, since that also meant no messages from Charles.
No explanation to where he could've gone to at 9 in the morning.

I threw myself back on the bed and covered my eyes with my arm.
I'm so stupid.
I really thought yesterday changed or even meant something to Charles.
But in the end, no matter the things he was saying and how sweet he was, I was just a tool to satisfy his needs.
And I was stupid enough to go with it.

When we fuck for the first time, I want us both to be sober.
I guess that was a fucking lie.
Because after this there is no chance he'll ever get to kiss me again.

My head was spinning and pounding, the rest alcohol still floating in my veins.
A sudden anger was fueling my body, as I stood up and gathered my things to leave.
I grabbed my underwear from the floor, wiggled it on and threw his shirt on the floor next to his suitcase, his scent finally leaving my body.
Still I felt like it was imprinted on my brain, like I couldn't do anything to get rid of it.

Just thinking about getting in my dress again, made my head hurt even more.
I had no idea on what floor I was, meaning I couldn't just walk out there in a bathrobe.
What if I had to go up like 15 floors? I couldn't do that in just my underwear and a bathrobe with my dress in my hand.
That would be the ultimate walk of shame.

But walking to my room in the dress I wore the night before was equally as bad I guess.

I decided for the first option and walked over to the bathroom.
I guess I'd rather be comfy on my walk of shame than in an uncomfortable dress.
I turned around and was faced with a huge mirror.

I gasped loudly and walked closer to it.
I turned my head so that I had a better view of the left side of my neck.

A big and dark purple hickey was decorating it.
One that wouldn't be easy to hide.
One that wouldn't fade that fast.

„No, no, no, no. Scheisse." I exclaimed and pulled on the skin around it.
No matter from what angle I looked at my neck, the hickey was standing out.
I guess that meant turtlenecks and scarves for me in the next few days.
I was lucky that it was winter.

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