Chapter 22 - Charles's P.O.V.

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I texted Athena the second I got to my hotel room.

She was right, I did use her as an outlet for my anger.

And I did feel bad for it.

Just in front of her I couldn't hide my emotions.

Not at all.

She always saw how I felt and I couldn't hide in front of her. It was so easy to fall into old habits. To push her away rather than keeping her close.

I've realised that's what I did too.

So, I texted her an apology and asked her if she wanted to grab dinner. Part as an apology, part because I really wanted to see her. To be able to touch her, make her laugh, show her how sorry I was.

I felt a wave of relive wash over me when she texted me she'd love to.

Turns out, we would both be in Verona, Italy for testing next week, as we had a week without a race, and we scheduled our dinner for Wednesday evening.

My heart skipped a beat, as a new message from her popped up on my screen.

Can't wait:)

The day came sooner than expected.

I stood in front of her hotel and waited for her to walk through the door.

She said she would be down in a second, so I decided to wait for her in front of my car.

I smoothed my white button down with my hands once again and checked my hair in the front camera of my phone for the 100th time.

I don't know why I was so nervous.

Probably because this was our first real date. No surprise, no hiding. An official date.

My heart was beating loudly in my chest, my palms were sweaty and I couldn't keep still.

My hands moved over my clothes, straightening them, pulling at the sleeves, pulling at my black trousers.

But every movement in my body froze, when Athena walked through the door, looking beautiful as always.

It seemed like the world stoped spinning, time stoped running.

She wore a long black dress, a slit showing of her long legs.

The straps wrapped around her shoulders, making me guess that the back was free.

I wondered if she wouldn't be cold, since it was only the end of February, but she looked too good for me to think too much about it.

Her red lips on her face in a wide smile, hair falling over her shoulders and bobbing with her steps.

„Hey!" she greeted me and wrapped her arm around my shoulder, pressing two kisses on my cheeks.

My hand found her back, feeling her skin.

Open back. I knew it.

„You look beautiful." My arm was still around her waist.

I realised that I was probably way too close for the public place we were in, so I quickly dropped my arm to my side. You never knew who was watching.

„Thank you." She smiled. „You look good too." She complimented me back, smoothing out my jacket.

My senses were wrapped in her, the heat of her palm on my chest, the smell of her perfume filling my head. I could just stand here and stare at her for the rest of the night.

But once I regained control over my own body, I opened the door for her to get into my car.

I drove here from Monaco, so it wasn't a rental but my own black Ferrari, with red and white stripes over it. Nothing is better than your own car.

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