Chapter 20 - both P.O.V.'s

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Athena's P.O.V.

I didn't even really hit the ground before Charles pulled me out of my backyard. Until we arrived at his car, he didn't stop a single second to properly greet me. He kept the pace high, stomping through the snow in my back yard and pulling me along the side walk. Only once we arrived at his Ferrari, almost three streets further down, did he stop and turn around to look at me.

Snowflakes were falling down on us, the tiny crystals getting stuck in his eyelashes. The tip of his hair was peaking out beneath his beanie. We both were still breathing heavy, our breathy creating fog between us and mixing together.

We just stood there, the snow and complete silence around us.

I took the moment to assure myself he was really here in Switzerland, standing right before me. I slowly lifted my free hand and gently pressed it against his cheek, needing to feel his skin. I could feel his warm skin beneath my palm, the way his muscles moved when he started to smile.

„Hey." I whispered, scared that a too loud noise would wake me up from this dream.

„Hi." Charles whispered back, his smile spreading even more.

His face inched closer to mine, his lips finding mine. You would think that the first kiss after weeks would be filled with greed and need. A lot of moving and touching, pulling and groaning.

But Charles kissed me slowly. Tender. Like he too still had to convince himself that I was really here. His arms wrapped around my waist, pulling my body closer to his. I was bending my back as I wrapped my arms around his neck. His lips moved gently against mine, the tip of his tongue brushing against mine. We were wrapped in the peace of our kiss for an eternity. It was like even the snow stopped falling just so that the focus of time could be on us.

I could feel Charles tightening his arms around me and lifting my feet off the ground. I smiled into the kiss, squealing against his lips.

Charles parted our lips while still keeping me up in the air, his chest shaking beneath me. His laughter almost disturbed the silent night, but I doubted that something as beautiful as his laughter could ever be considered as disturbing.

„I missed you." Charles smiled as he set me back down on the ground.

„I missed you too."

My arms were still wrapped around his shoulders, his still around my waist, just stupidly smiling at each other.

But out of nowhere, Charles removed his hands from my body and turned around, making that my arms slid of his shoulders.

„Let's go before we are too late." He talked with his back turned to me, as he opened the door to the passenger side of his car.

I didn't move a bit as I asked him: „Where are we going?" I couldn't keep a serious face but I tried my best to sound demanding. I wasn't really a surprise-lover.

„You'll see." Charles gave me nothing. „You'll like it." He extended his hand for me to hold, to help me get into the car.

I hesitated for another second, but who was I trying to fool, I would follow this man into the deepest jungle or into the highest point of the galaxy.

Once I sat down, Charles shut the door and jogged over to the driver side. He smoothly slid into the car. But before he started the engine, he looked at me again, his head resting against the head rest of his seat. He shot me a wink and with that the Ferrari roared to life.

The radio lowly accompanied the constant humming of the motor.

Before we even drove out of the street. I already hit Charles with tons of my questions.

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