Chapter 17 - Athena's P.O.V.

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This chapter contains sexual content and may be distressing to some readers. If you don't feel comfortable reading smut, please skip parts of this chapter.

„This isn't fun. This isn't just a game. We're here to kill and we're here to win. If you aren't up to that, you better leave now."
Every so often Daniel left his usual joyous self behind. Whenever he did, you knew that you were deep in shit and that you needed to take the situation seriously.
Who would've guessed that playing laser-tag would end up being one of those moments.

We were in a dark room, 6 of us standing in a circle, fake-guns in our hands and shining vests on our upper bodies.
12 full grown adults, high performance athletes, spending their second afternoon of the new year in a laser-tag studio, shooting each other.

We made sure that teammates were separated, meaning for once in your life, you could actually knock out your teammate. Well, if that wasn't an amazing way of team building.

Considering Danny and I would only drive together next season, we still were able to be on the same team.
Team red consisted of Daniel, George, Mick, Alex, Carlos and Me. Max, Lance, Lewis, Pierre, Lando and Charles formed team blue. The girlfriends decided to stay out of this activity, knowing that the competitiveness in this game would be equally as bad as on track.

If you just listened to Daniel's speech, they weren't wrong.
This wasn't fun. We played this game to win.

A clock above the door told me we had 30 more seconds until we would be able to start fighting.
We were given 20 minutes to take out the other team, having to shoot them in a dark maze where the only light you had were some LED's on the floor and on obstacles.

I jumped from leg to leg, excitement washing through my body.
20 seconds.

„Okay guys, we got this. Team on 3." I pushed my hand in the middle of the circle, just now stopping with the jumping.
One after one, the guys put their hands on top of mine. We acted like little kids and we took this way too seriously but that was the whole fun of it.

Mick counted down and we did our little chant, clapping afterwards. The second the door opened we stormed out, hiding between the different walls.
Mick and I stayed close to each other, loosing the rest of our team. We ran through the maze, looking for a good hiding spot. I stopped dead in my tracks and held up a hand at a cross over.

„I think I heard someone." I whispered to Mick.
He stood close to me. I could feel his chest heaving behind me, his breath kissing the side of my face. I was breathing hard myself, my chest moving up and down at a fast pace.
We stood still for a few seconds. Footsteps closed in on us but we were hidden behind a wall. Whoever was coming this way would be surprised by us, not the other way around.

I raised my gun, ready to shoot.
I pulled the trigger the second I saw blue light, not even registering who I was shooting. I just shot.
Lance stood in front of us, a startled look on his face.

„Really guys?" He threw his arms in the air, waving his gun around. We've only been playing for 2 minutes and Lance already lost. Poor guy.
„You snooze..." I started the sentence while extending my arm.
„You loose." Mick finished it while clapping our hands together.
„You are the worst." Lance mumbled while walking away, shaking his head.
I admit, he was right. Mick and I were a pain in the ass. Oh well.

We continued our way through the maze, checking each other's backs and taking out Max while doing so.
We've been in this dark hall for about 15 minutes now. Checking the little displays on the guns, there were 3 left of us and 2 of team blue. We just didn't know where they were hiding.
I continued walking, pressing myself against the walls and taking one careful step after the other.

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