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~Mary-Rose RANDELL "Mae"

~Mary-Rose RANDELL  "Mae"

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~Henrietta MALONE "Harry"

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~Henrietta MALONE "Harry"

~Henrietta MALONE "Harry"

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~Jacob RANDELL "Jake"

~Jacob RANDELL "Jake"

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COPYRIGHT information: All of the above images are not mine and are from Pinterest. They are only to help you beautiful readers visualize the personality of each characters😮‍💨❤️

Credits to the amazing artists who own the images🫶


When work time ends and I board the bus, I scramble for a seat by the window to watch strangers pass by, every person with a struggle, a story to tell. One that the entire world will shake upon hearing yet not change.

Problems came in different forms for every individuals. Some people worry about their broken cars on the way to work, a broken limb maybe from sport, a broken heart from a shitty partner, a broken spirit from grief.

For me, I've only ever struggled with superficial problems. I've had days where my concerns were my cold mocha, my grades, the broken printer, and the video message that wouldn't load. On certain days, I worried about boys, and whatnot.

Last year, bigger problems came in the form of my father's addiction to gambling. We all thought he had complete discretion over what he did with his money, so we let him face his consequences alone. But soon like a vine, it spread to the rest of the family and broke us from inside, out.

Presenting Willow; September 5th to you💕


I hope you enjoy reading as much as I enjoyed writing🤭

I hope you enjoy reading as much as I enjoyed writing🤭

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💨 Aug 30

Willow; Sep 5thWhere stories live. Discover now