16. {party ruins}

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"Bye." My brother waved from his car as soon as I got off. I shouldered my bag with a sigh from the exhaustion I was drowning in.

"Tell Harry I said hi," I quickly said as soon as I noticed the worried expression appearing on his face.

"I'm going to training," he shouted again as I approached the door.

"I didn't say you weren't." I yelled back before walking into the company.

I couldn't let my tiredness consume me completely even though I had been the only intern at work today

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I couldn't let my tiredness consume me completely even though I had been the only intern at work today. Mrs Smith gave me a pile of things to cross check and I suddenly started to think that she just derived joy in seeing me miserable. It even felt like I was doing all of her job and I wondered if I could get her to stop. But I couldn't bother about it as soon as I got home, I had a party to plan.

Jake finally let go of the wine box he had been hiding from his best friend as we set it to the table. It was just a small party that we organized for his whole football team and the coach, that's why it was a bother to me when the rest of my friends walked in through the door.

Gaby and Benji went straight to the alcohol table while Tasha spoke to Jill. I took my gaze away from them as I continued to watch the door hoping for a certain someone to come in as well.

"You waiting for someone?" I heard a familiar voice ask. I turned to find Faye standing there, her red hair falling down her face.

"What are you doing here?" I asked her, my brows furrowing in confusion as I hadn't send out any invite just like Jake had asked.

"Harry invited us," she looked confused just like I was before she continued, "seems like you've been ignoring the group messages, I hope that's the only one you're ignoring though." I tilted my head in clear confusion and watched as she staggered away from me, with a snicker on her face.

this one's drunk.

I went into the kitchen and found Harry by the sink. Jake found us at the same time as well.

"Your two-faced friends are here?" He spat out, literally.

"You invited them all?" I asked her too.

"Yeah sorry, I was really hoping for Kai to come."

"I invited him myself, he's just not going to come," I mumbled as I left them in the kitchen to go back to the living room.

Soon, Jake came around to give a thanks speech as he clinked his spoon and glass cup together to gather everyone's attention. Gaby sauntered towards me with a big smirk on his face. I sighed and knew I was done avoiding him.

"Have you been ditching the hangouts to avoid me?" He asked me as he stood by my side and watched Jake give his speech.

"Relax. You're not that important Gaby," I responded.

Willow; Sep 5thWhere stories live. Discover now