10. {hangover hangouts}

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Alcohol to me reminded me of my father. It reminded me of when he comes home with his dignity dropped at the exit door of the casino, it reminded me of how he'd continue to go back there to squander all of his money and the rest of the respect attached to his name and our family, so I tried to stay away from it.

That's why I hated myself when I woke up. I had seen Harry get hang over a couple of times, I just didn't imagine my head to feel like a trailer crushed my skull bone from inside. I felt sick to the core as I took in my surrounding. The door clicked open and Kai entered into the room with a glass of water in his hand with some part of his disheveled dark hair falling to his face.

"What is this place?" was the first thing I asked him.

"You passed out and couldn't tell me your home address so I brought you to mine instead," he responded as he continued until he got to the bed.

As I looked around the room I was, it made sense to me that Kai Marece drove a fancy car, it was only right that he lived in a fancy house as well.

"This helps with the hangover from drinking," he stated as he held out his hand to give me the small tablets in his hand.

"It's so bad and I didn't even drink," I replied him. His brows knitted in confusion as he tilted his face as if to study me. "I'm serious, all I had was water."

He paused for a little while before staring back at me, a serious expression on his face, "fuckin' predators! They're everywhere."

Usually, people are often kind to others for something in return

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Usually, people are often kind to others for something in return. At least, my father had taught me that nothing was free in this world. That's why I never really understood Kai. He got me coffee everyday, drove me to the office everyday that I reported there, seemed to care if something was bothering me and was there for me last night when something bad could have happened to me.

I wondered what I had to give Kai in return. I wondered what he thought I could possibly offer him. He already had a nice house, a nice car, a beautiful career, and from the portrait that I was currently looking at, anyone could tell that Kai was born into the right family.

"Chloe and Zoe," he pointed at each of his twin sibling in the portrait. Both girls had literally the same facial features, they had the same shade of brown hair, Chloe had calm eyes full of greens while as I looked at Zoe, she had her brother's grey eyes and the same smile Kai had.

"I've always wanted younger siblings," I blurted out as Kai led me to the kitchen.

"Trust me, these girls are little devils," he scrunched up his face before he burst out into a wide smile as he looked at me. " But I'm grateful for them."

"So, where are they now? Are you always home alone?" I asked him as I took my seat on the stool and placed my elbows on the counter.

Willow; Sep 5thWhere stories live. Discover now