14. {second chances}

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I woke up late because I had cried most of the night. I have cried this week more than I had any other week and I wondered what that meant for me. I wasn't sure of what my brother would think, that's why I sneaked into the living room to check if he was there already.

My phone chimed and I clicked on the notification which led me to Kai's message.

::: hey

I wondered how he knew to text. I wondered why he was friends with me. I knew he was referring to Faye when he said he was curious about someone, I had seen the way she looked at him. That's why I still was confused because he was paying more attention to me than any other person.

::: have you left for school? I have to do something at the library, was wondering if you wanted a ride.

::: oh I haven't left, thank you

::: okay, I'll be at yours soon

As Kai drove us to school, I sipped from the cup of mocha he had gotten from coffee bean on his way

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As Kai drove us to school, I sipped from the cup of mocha he had gotten from coffee bean on his way. As I stared at the reflection of me in the side mirror, I was thankful to Kai.

"Is it weird that I'm happy I got suspended from work?" He randomly asked as we pulled into the school park.

"I think you're just happy that you get to rest," I told him as I scrolled through my notifications.

"Oh great the day I decided to go to school, class is cancelled," I mumbled as I switched off my phone.

"Your class is cancelled?" He asked again, you could even feel the excitement oozing from his tone. He was happy my class got canceled and that was just right about weird.

"So, what would you like to do today considering your class is cancelled?" He asked me.

"I have to study literature if I want to graduate college," I mumbled as he opened the door to the library and let me in first. I muttered a low thanks.

"Hello Mary! Oh Kai, you're here as well," Mrs Gary, the librarian called as we approached the table.

"Good morning," I greeted her with a forced out smile hoping she wouldn't try to engage me in a conversation about her cats like the last time I was here.

"Your favorite student is here," Kai spread his arms as he sent her a playful smile. She shrugged it off with a smile as well before she asked what we would like to do.

"I'm here for His Majesty II, my sister will smother me in my sleep if I don't go back home with it," he mentioned as he dropped the books he wanted to return on the table.

Willow; Sep 5thWhere stories live. Discover now