2. {just another saturday}

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My friends were a whole lot when it came to making a lot of noise and being everywhere. Tasha and Lesley were practically anchors of every social activity. Gaby and Benji were noise makers who made jokes about everything in the world and even more.

Kai hung out with us every time but he barely seemed like he was there, he didn't always say much and only laughed occasionally when Gaby was being too foolish, they were close even though they were polar opposites. One was well reserved, the other, well quite the chatterbox.

Faye always seemed so far as well, she was very formal when she spoke to us, I used to think that she would leave the group one day since she barely was a part of it anyways. But somehow she still stuck around and we all learned to accept her presence.

Harry was a lot more like these people and would fit in any-day anytime, on the other hand, I put up with them because I loved Harry, and because I didn't like spending my Saturdays in an empty house.

"There's this party on Friday, who wants to come?" Lesley asked randomly without looking up from her phone.

"I've got better commitments, can't make it." Gaby  responded, chewing on gum loudly as he pressed on his phone.

"I'm trying to avoid those places. Been clean for a month now," Benji raised one hand in surrender as he played catch with his pods case.

"Layla has pretty much got you whipped," Gaby commented as he shook his head with a smirk.

"I am super proud of you, Benji." Lesley stated as she hit Gaby jokingly.

Even though they all seemed to be trying so hard to not let the fact that I failed my course ruin our hangout, it still wasn't that hard to tell that they weren't being themselves. 

"Faye, why don't you go grab our orders?" Gaby asked with a coy smile. I turned to Faye, the frown on her face not going unnoticed as she stood up. Harry also stood up, walked up to her and followed her to the counter.

"She did the last time," Kai stated as he stared at Gaby with a frown on his face.

"Chill, at least Malone is with her today," Gaby threw him a smile, showcasing his gap teeth. "Mae no offense, I have a question." he immediately turned to me as if on cue.

"Sure, ask away," I nodded my head.

"You're not making us cancel the road trip right? Y'know cos of your bad grade?" He asked away.

As I stared at the rest of my friends and the blank expressions they had on, I knew that they all had that question in mind, but they knew Gaby was such an asshole that he wouldn't mind asking, no matter how uncomfortable it was for me.

"Of course you can't cancel the trip because of me," I answered him, wriggling my eyebrows as I spoke.

"But you won't make it to the trip?" Gaby asked again.

When I heard someone slam a tray of food on the table angrily, I knew instantly that it was Harry. It didn't take long enough for her to reply Gaby as she flipped her hair across,"What the fuck is your problem, dude. Shut up already."

"I mean, we made plans to come here this Saturday to talk about the trip, we might as well talk about it?" He shrugged as he looked at her face for a reaction.

"He's right Harry," I tried to smile as I urged her to sit down. She scoffed and cursed in a low voice before she sat down and passed me the mocha I ordered.

I took in a deep sigh as I took a bite of my croissant. "I'll be sitting this one out, Gaby," I decided to reply him.

"Sorry, Mae" he muttered from across the table and I only nodded my head with a subtle smile.

Willow; Sep 5thWhere stories live. Discover now