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Not a chapter unfortunately, although to any old readers, I have been (slowly) editing this fic, so please do reread for new Spencer and Iris moments. I'm sure there will be some new ones.

But I have a new Spencer fic out (what's new? It's one of many because I'm obsessed). The Axiom Of Equality. Link for it will be below.

It's half an original story, spanning another, hopefully better written than this one (I was 15, leave me alone), slow burn romance with Spencer Reid himself. The prologue is out now and first chapter will be published either tonight or tomorrow.

The premise: Katherine Fisher has spent the past five years awkwardly pining after a coworker who hates her (our boy, Spencer). When she's offered a promotion to the team, she takes it mostly for the pay rise. Told with frequent flashbacks to her five years of pining, and frequent flash forwards to her happy relationship down the line with the one and only Spencer Reid, my story hopes to tell how her past haunts Katherine for her entire career.

As a victims of an unsub that escaped the grasp of the law, Katherine panics when crimes start mirroring her own past. Struggling to hide this from her new relationship with Spencer, Katherine finds her teens, her twenties, and her future all twisting into one jumbled mess.

Anyway. That was super rushed and terrible. But please check it out for some pining, a slow burn, (some smut too, I'm not ashamed), and lots of Spencer Reid.

Hope y'all are well.

Link for a The Axiom Of Equality here: https://www.wattpad.com/1378512387?utm_source=ios&utm_medium=link&utm_content=share_writing&wp_page=create_writer&wp_uname=hypathetically&wp_originator=h6CGHKwpkqpgjD9Lv3bSqG7hvwryWoLLEyWwk0sZ%2FWHZU9kcdztXw3vZ61ZoWQLYhiAqElxsMG9wNTFGnV7XcCm%2FXl%2BaobJhBdv78K6vAWnSe2T3qkRwDoD1f2M2npTm

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