6: New Family, I Guess

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Nico's Pov: 

When i woke up, Echo was on my pillow, and the twins had gone elsewhere, probably to breakfast. I sat up and yawned rubbing my eyes. I slowly got out of bed and looked in my bag for a spare change of clothes. I went into the bathroom and changed into a black shirt with a skeleton on it and some skinny jeans. They probably looked ridiculous on me because i was a seven-year-old, but who cares? Not me, anyways. 

After that I decided I should probably IM my friends so they knew i was okay. Well, not dying by that. I dug through my bag and couldn't find any of the Ancient Greek currency. Ugh. Of COURES the gods forgot that! But there was another problem. How was i going to make a rainbow inside of an orphanage? I didn't want to worry Will and Hazel, and the others I guess, but i just had to wait until they messaged me.

Right then, one of the brothers burst into the room. "Nico! One of us are going to be fostered! By a FREAKING BILLIONAIRE!!!" Billy shouted! Come on!! And bring the cat!!" He quickly ran out of the room, slamming the door on accident.


Well that's great. I was going to be fostered by as Billy said 'A FREAKING BILLIONAIRE!!!'. 

I quickly grabbed Echo and sped down the stairs to the first level where the grumpy lady, who the twins had called 'miss Williams' was telling a man who looked in his early fourty's with black hair and cold, calculating blue eyes, about each of the ten assembled children. 

I ran down the stairs and quickly got onto the line of children, holding Echo in my small arms.

"Ahh. Yes, Mister Nico di Angelo. Mr. Wayne, this is Nico. He is seven-years-old, and arrived here yesterday. He was brought by Nightwing and the Red Hood." Bruce looked surprised when Miss Williams said the last part. 

"Hmm, i will foster Nico if that's okay." Bruce says calmly to miss Williams, expertly covering his surprise. 

I wonder why he looked surprised. Welp, i was probably being fostered by some snobby careless  billionaire now. The gods must enjoy watching me life go wrong. AGAIN. 

Miss Williams handed some paperwork to Bruce and then turned to me. "Mister Nico, please grab your stuff that you brought with you, then come back."

"Yes, ma'am." I say as i quickly turn around and head upstairs. I ran to my room and grabbed the bag, put Echo in it and ran back down stairs. 

"Hey, where did the cat go?" Jake asks as i speed walk past him. I stopped and unzipped the backpack. Echo peered out and meowed then tucked his head back into the bag. I then zipped it up and walked towards the door. 

Bruce was standing bye the door and looked at me. "Are you ready to go kid?" I nodded and he opens the front door and waves to miss Williams, who waves back. Then we stepped out the door.

In front of the Gotham Orphanage was a long black limousine. Bruce opened the door for me and told me to step in. I walked to back an sat down in one of the seats. Bruce climbed into the front and we drove away.

Time skip called Harold McKarrol. (Idk it sounded funny so i did it.)

We soon arrived at a large mansion. "Welcome to Wayne manor, Nico." Bruce says as we stepped out of the car.

"Wow." I act surprised. I wasn't actually surprised. I had seen Hade's palace, and this is nothing compared to that. HECK i had seen Mt. Olympus, and that made Hades palace look bad, so this was not impressive. But for mortal standards it was pretty high quality.

Bruce puts his hand on my shoulder, but since i am not got with being touched, am traumatized and paranoid, i grab his wrist and twist it backwards. "Don't. Touch. Me." i growl. He looks surprised and i feel a bit guilty. "Sorry. I'm just used to doing that. My friends were trying to get me to stop. But old habits die hard, you know?"

Nico di Angelo Meets The Batfam (SPOILERS FOR 'THE SUN AND THE STAR'!!)Where stories live. Discover now