8: Truth or Dare!? Dare, because why not!

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Nico's Pov:

It had been a day since the dinner panic attack, and me and my new brothers were sitting in the living room, bored out of our minds when Jason came up with a suggestion. "Hey, why don't we play Truth or Dare?!" He said enthusiastically. Dick, Damian, and Tim cheer but i just groan.

"Do we have to?" I whine.

"Oh come on, Neeks!" Tim begs.

"Fine. Just don't call me that." I groan.

"Yes!" They shouted in unison sounding rather ridiculous.

"Ok!" Jason says. "Dick. Truth or dare?"

"Uhh. Truth." Dick responds.

"Ok. Ummm. Chocolate or vanilla ice cream?"

"Have you met me!?" Dick laughs. "BOTH!"

"Ok, it's your turn Dick." Jason says smiling.

"Alright... umm.... Nico! Truth or dare?!" He grins at me. Uh oh.

"Uhhhmm truth." 

"What are your hobbies?"

"Sword fighting. I learned at camp, fighting in general, drawing..." shoot. I mentioned sword fighting. But the boys all nod in agreement.

"Damian, truth or dare?" I ask.


"Alright. I dare you to duel me. One on one, sword of your option. In the gym." I grin. This was gonna be FUN. The brothers had already given me a tour, so i knew where the gym was.

Damian grinned at me. "You're on!"

We raced to the gym and i grabbed a light weight Greek Xiphos combat sword. Damian grabbed a katana. 

"You are a dead man, di Angelo." Jason whistled.

"I know." I say back. "Just like you." That hit the spot. Jason stiffened.

I got into the fighting arena and got into a fighting stance. Damian did the same. "Greek, aye?" He says. I nod

We start circling each other looking for weaknesses. He was bigger than me, granted i am in the body of a seven year old.

He lunged at me and I dodged, slashing at his sword. We quickly are both on our feet, swords pressing against each other's grunting. But Damian was stronger which meant i had to be smarter. I feigned dodging right, then went left, and jumped onto Damian's shoulders holding my sword to his throat. "Yield." I tell him happily. Something was off. Damian's eyes were extremely focused and he ducked under me and sprinted to the other side of the arena.

"RUN NICO! HE'S IN ASSASSIN MODE, GET OUT!!" Yelled  Jason looking worried. If Jason was worried that meant i was in big trouble. Instead of running away i run right at Damian, swing over his back and try to smack his head with the butt of my sword handle and knock him out, but he predicted that and smacked me with the flat part of his sword. Knowing I wouldn't be able to stop him like this there was only one way. I had to summon some skeletons. But first I warped the Mist so the other mortals would just see me pinning him down and knocking me out.

I summon a whole skeleton Roman legion and have them force him down. Then i pinned him down by the shirt with my sword and let the skeletons go back to their resting places. Then i smacked him with the butt on my sword hilt and knocked him unconscious.

"Nico.... How did you manage to win?" Tim asked, shocked. "And what did you do to him?"

"I pinned him down then used the butt of my sword to knock him unconscious."

"Wow. No one has ever beaten him while he's in assassin mode." Jason breathed.

"It was easy." I shrugged.

Time skippy Mcskippy

As soon as i got to my room i fell onto my bed. Using the mist and summoning the soldiers had worn me out. I quickly fell asleep.

Hello my Minions!! Have you been enjoying the story so far? Love ya! ❤️

—Anitoly! (There are exactly 600 words, not counting this!!)

Nico di Angelo Meets The Batfam (SPOILERS FOR 'THE SUN AND THE STAR'!!)Where stories live. Discover now