7: Family Dinner

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Nico's Pov:

Will had just cut of the IM as i ran to the bathroom door, unlocked it and walked out slowly just as Alfred knocked on the door. "Master Nico, Bruce sent me to tell you to come downstairs for dinner." He says when i open it. 

"Yes Alfred." I saw as he nods and turns around and walks back down the hall. I look into my room one last time before dinner. Echo was snoring peacefully on the bed, again. I then close the door and walk to the stairs.

When I arrive at the dinning room, i see Bruce sitting at the head of the table, Alfred setting down large plates of steaming food, fresh from the oven, and Damian and three other boys sitting at the table.

"Hello Nico. Feel free to sit wherever you want. You may grab a plate from the stack." Bruce says as i walk into the room. The boy with black hair green-ish blue eyes and a white streak in his hair flinched when he saw me then whispered something to Bruce and then Bruce stiffened.

 Huh. I wonder what that's about. Wait....

I do a quick soul search then grin at the boy. "Hi! You are dead don't you know?!" I smile creepily while grabbing a plate.

The boy paled. Bruce paled. Everyone else stiffened. "It isn't all that rare." i go on as i look across the table. "I know someone else who is dead. Well, was dead. Sorry for making you guys uncomfortable. Continue eating." I say happily. Mortals. Always so easy to mess with.

"How did you know?" The guy, also known as Red Hood whispers.

"I don't know, Red Hood. Why don't you tell me?" He pales even more. At this rate he would soon be paler than me.

"How did you know?" He asks louder slamming his fist on the table angrily. He was fun to mess with.

"Well, you just confirmed my assumptions anyways. Thank you." I grin at him.

"You work for the Joker, don't you!" He shouts.

"No. Wait. Who is the Joker?" I ask, confused.

"The maniac with the green hair and bright red lips." Red Hood snarled.

"Oh him. No, I haven't met him yet."

"He is telling the truth." Alfred says awkwardly as he puts a large scoop of spaghetti on my plate.

"How did you know i love spaghetti?" I ask him, distracted.

"Your last name, di Angelo is Italian. Lucky guess." He responded. I grimaced at the large amount on my plate.

"I love it but do i have to eat this much?" I ask. 

"Yes, Master Nico. It is unhealthy to eat any less than this. I will make sure you eat all of it." He sounded like Will now. An older, British Will. 

"Fine." I grumbled, knowing i wouldn't be able to eat so much with out puking. The boys looked shocked about what just went over as i slowly eat my spaghetti.

After i finished, with everyone staring making me uncomfortable, waiting for what i would do next. I suddenly felt me face pale and turn a bit green as my stomach heaved. Shoot. I was about to puke. "Do you guys have a trash can?"

Alfred reacted first, and ran to the kitchen and came back with a trash can. He quickly handed it to me.

TW: puking

I grabbed the bin and then leaned off the edge of the table. My stomach heaved a few times and then i stopped, shivering.

TW done

"Well, there goes my dinner. Sorry, guys." I say sheepishly, feeling dizzy.

"But you just ate that...?" The tallest boy says, surprised.

"When i said i didn't want to, i meant i couldn't. I went through some things in which i didn't get much food. My stomach is a lot smaller and i just can't handle it." I say nervously.

"Well.... Nico, let me introduce you to my sons." He pointed to the tallest one. "That's Richard." 

"Hi." Says Richard wearily. "You can call me Dick. Short for Richard." I nod.

"Then there is Damian but you already met him" Bruce says next.

"You can call him Demon, though." Says Red Hood.

"Shut it." Damian hissed across the table.

Bruce glared daggers at the two. "The one next to Damian is Tim." Tim smiled at me and waved. I waved back. "The one with the white streak in his hair is Jason." my eyes widened, remembering Jason Grace, one of my first true friends.

"Nico, are you okay?" Dick asked, looking concerned. I just nodded, and pretended not to be bothered. This Jason guy was definitely not Jason Grace.

Sorry guys. I got rid of the panic attack part cause it was WAYYYYY to dramatic even for me,  And more let's cause mischief. See ya my Minions!!


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