41: A Life Running Out

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You guys are going to hate me for what happens in this chapter........

Nico's pov:

It had been a day since the capture the flag game and my little fight with Diana. My demigod friends had gone home except for Will. He had decided to stay for a bit to make sure i stayed healthy. Like that was going to happen.

"Hey Neeks!" Dick yelled cheerfully, pulling me out of my thoughts. I had just sat down for breakfast. Alfred had made a ginormous plate full of pancakes for all of us. Only Damian and I had been at the table, but now Dick was here too.

"Hi." I grumbled, not likening it when Dick called me Neeks.

"NEEKS!" I heard the shout seconds before i was (American) football-tackled out of my chair, landing on the floor with a thump. Will was sitting on the floor next to me, giggling as i moaned in annoyance.

"WILL. IT IS LITERALLY 8 AM, I DO NOT NEED TO BE TACKLED!" I growled but he just beamed at me. Literally. Then i heard two sets of heavy footsteps coming in. Tim and Jason.

"Hey Timbers, JayBird!" Dick said happily. Tim and Jason both grunted as they heard their nicknames, too tired to complain or reply, earning a frown of disappointment from Dick. As Jason and Tim shuffled past Will and I—we were still laying in a heap on the floor—picked up the death scent again. And it was stronger this time. Will and I stiffened, looking each other in the eyes.

I could sense when someone's death was close, and Will could sense when someone's life was running out. And someone was indeed getting close to death. Not to close... but dangerously near.

"Nico...." Will whispered with a worried look on his face. I shook my head.

"Wait... wait till we know who it is." I whispered back, not wanting to send the family into a panic. He gives me a slow, sad nod. I climbed back off the floor and onto my chair, and Will did the same, climbing into the chair next to me.

Suddenly Jason reaches into his back pocket and pulls out two small objects. A cigarette and a lighter. Then it hit me. Will and I looked at each other with wide eyes as Jason lit the cigarette. As he was about to bring it to his mouth i leaped onto him, knocking him out of the chair, him giving a grunt of surprise as the cigarette flew from his hands. 

"WHAT THE F*** WAS THAT, DI ANGELO?!" He screeched, now sprawled out on the floor, with me sitting on his stomach, not letting him get up as Will rushed over and placed his hands on the struggling boy's chest. Will looked at me with wide eyes as the scent of death flowed heavily off of Jason as he cursed loudly, claiming we had attacked him for no reason.

"Boys, what's going on?" Bruce questioned as he walked into  the room with Alfred close behind him. Tim, Dick, and Damian stared at us in shock.

"J-Jason." I breathed out, tears forming. He stopped struggling, sensing something was wrong.

"What...?" He asked quietly. Another tear escaped my green and brown eyes.

"Y-you... Jason, you have lung cancer."

Sorry! I WILL fix this! I promise! Don't hunt me down!

*knock, Knock*



Oh no.


Nico di Angelo Meets The Batfam (SPOILERS FOR 'THE SUN AND THE STAR'!!)Where stories live. Discover now