11: A Bit of The Truth

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Nico's Pov:

It was four days after the wing incident, and they were still a bit sore and and the phantom pains were going away. On the first day after getting stuck, Damian sat on the couch next to me, where my injured wing would be, and i flinched earning an odd glance from all of the boys as we watched Star Wars. Only Alfred and Will knew about it, since I used the Mist to keep it from the others.

I was sitting on the couch drawing in a sketchbook i had found in my desk, where i had also gotten the pen from. I was doing a detailed sketch of Echo curled up and asleep on a pillow. Echo sat next to me as i drew, looking content as he snored lightly. Then his right ear twitched and looked up and let out a small mew. I look up, wondering what Echo was mewing at.

My brothers stood in the doorway looking nervously at me. Except Damian whose face was expressionless.

Tim took a small step forwards. "Umm... hi. We wanted to ask you about something...." 

Shoot. Did they find out about the wings? About me being a demigod?

Tim stuttered and Damian took over. "Who is Jason." He said it more like a demand, making me flinch.

"Demon spawn!" Jason smacked the back of Damian's head.

"Yeesh. We all know you guys are too wimpy to ask, so who else was gonna do it?" The green eyed boy glared at Jason.

"True." Dick muttered.

"Ok. Fine. I will tell you guys a bit about Jason Grace. But there is a price."

The boys looked at each other but Jason nods. "Ok. Tell us the price."

"A prank war." It was gonna be so fun to prank them. I smirk as they all get excited and start jumping up and down and sniggering at each other.

"Ok. Jason Grace was the person who knew the most about me. Not because i wanted him to, but because someone forced personal information out of me just for his own enjoyment. I'm not going to tell you what the information is, because as i said, it's personal." I wince at the memory of Cupid taunting me and forcing me to reveal my crush to Jason. "He knew more about me than my own sister. B-but—," my voice shakes a bit. "H-he died. He was murdered. Stabbed straight through the chest one, then twice, just for the murderer's fun. He died saving his friends. He was a hero. He had this funny scar on his lip, because he tried to eat a stapler when he was two years old." I chuckled a bit at the memory of Jason rubbing his neck nervously as he told us how he got his scar.

The boys blinked at me in surprise. "That's not everything, is it." Damian accused. Now it was Dick's turn to slap him. He glared at Dick.

"You are right. But it's not that I wouldn't tell you, it's that I can't. I have some family members who would be glad to have one less Nico in this world if i step out of line." I give a weak smile.

"Your family would try to kill you?!" Tim shouted in surprise. He was clearly thinking why would anyone want to kill a sweet little seven year old. I was none of those but little. Even when I wasn't seven.

I shrugged. "Gladly. They are the reason my mother and sister died." I cover my mouth, realizing what i just said. Shoot.

"THEY DID WHAT NOW!?" Jason shouted.

"Meh." I shrugged. "It was gonna happen sooner or later, I'm just surprised I'm still here." I say thinking of the monsters and the horrors of Tartarus.

"IF THEY TRY TO HURT YOU I WILL HUNT THEM DOWN AND KILL THEM ALL, MAKING THEIR DEATHS AS SLOW AND HORRIBLE AS POSSIBLE!" Jason roared. The other boys flinched but i smiled. Jason was surprisingly protective of me. But that was probably because i knew his secret identity.

"Dead guy, there is no way you could kill them. No one ever could. Or has. Gods, I've wanted to do so myself before, but I'm just seven and I can't do anything against them." I say seeming innocent. "That's not the only reason... there are these... hunters, who like to hunt down me and most of my cousins." (Nico is technically Apollo's cousin because Nico's dad Hades is Zeus's brother, and Zeus had Apollo, so yea. Cousins.)

"Sooo...." Damian slowly said. "Why can't you tell us the whole truth about Jason Grace?"

"Because your life's will be at extreme risks. Me just being here is risky for you. Hades, my entire existence threatens the world. Knowing what some of my older siblings have done. But i will never be like them. Also another reason is that the mons-hunters, will kill you guys without thinking twice. Or once for that instance." I say as i bounce my leg up and down. (In the Pjo books -i think- it mentions Hitler being a child of Hades. Also for anyone who has a family member who has had traumatic experiences because of the dude, i also have a family member who has been through that. It is a serious topic and shouldn't be joked about.)

The brothers looked at each other again. "Can you tell us how we can kil- uhh... disable these hunters?" Jason says.

"No. You guys cannot. Only me and my cousins can." I replied.

"What about how they look? What weapons do they use?" Jason fired back.

"They all look different. Some look like animals. Some look like humans. Some look somewhere between the two." I mutter thinking of the Minotaur with hate, because of King Minos and how the bull-man almost killed Percy multiple times.

"So why-," Jason started to say, but i cut him off.

Using a bit of the charm speak, i say. "Please stop talking for a bit. All of you." I look away feeling a bit guilty. "I just don't want to talk about it anymore."

Jason nodded in understanding. Then him and the others left, and I wondered if I said too much.

Hi my Minions! Hope you  enjoyed!! ❤️


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