37: Dead

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I just realized something weird. If the Fates spin fate and decide what happens, that also means they decide if Percy or someone else calls them something such as 'Withered old hags.'😂

Nico's Pov:

Suddenly all the pain stops. I blink and stand up to see Thanatos standing next to me, giving me a pitying smile.

"You did well, son of Hades. You will be remembered by demigods in years to come." He said, then reached out a hand to me. I took it, stood up, and looked at the scene around me one last time.

Dick was crouched on the floor bawling his eyes out, Damian stood there, frozen in shock, Jason had taken of his helmet, his domino mask's white eye pieces wide in shock as he slowly walked up to comfort Dick. Tim stood there with his shoulders shaking a few sniffles coming from him, tears falling in a steady flow down his face. Bruce stood there in silence, his head bowed in respect.

The concrete was spattered in blood, my sword had fallen onto my dead body, that gazed through glazed eyes at the sky. There were huge claw marks down and across my chest, along with the giant spike sticking out next to them. Suddenly Damian lets out a sniffle, walks towards my body and hugs Dick, letting out more sniffles, his body shivering. Tim races over and Joins them, so does Jason. The sight makes me want to go join the hug, but i know i cannot.

"Are you ready to go?" Thanatos asked me.

"Yes." I whispered sorrowfully. Suddenly the scene changes and we are in Hades throne room. Hades and Persephone were sitting on their thrones, looking down expectantly at me. I gulped, attempting to swallow my guilt for leaving my family alive.

"Son." Hades said from his throne.

"Father." I said, looking up into his black eyes.

"I am sorry for what i said to you about Bianca's death. There was no way you could have prevented it. And for not protecting Marie." He says, his voice barely above a whisper, just loud enough for me to hear. "I am going to send you to Elysium and let you see your mother and Jason while you are there. I am sorry for failing you my son." Hades said sincerely.

"Thank you." I whisper, then i melt into the shadows. Once i open my eyes, i am in the most beautiful it's i had ever seen. The coloring was black and white, with loads of beautiful gems in formations to make them look like flowers. I could hear loud music coming from a nearby house that must be hosting a party. I slowly walked down the road. Maybe i could still use my powers.

I decided to summon Jason and Marie. Suddenly two figures appeared next to me. Jason and Marie. I ran forwards and hugged both of them and became a sobbing mess before they could react. My mother started to rub my back and try to comfort me. Jason hugged me too, and was sniffling a little.

"Nico! I missed you!" Jason exclaimed. Then he took a step back. Time for a lecture. "Nicolai di Angelo, you are in big trouble! You just died! You are NOT SUPPOSED TO DIE FOR LIKE FIFTY YEARS OR WAY MORE!" He shouted worry in his voice. Then he hugged me. "I missed you Death Breath."

"I missed you too, Sparky." I say leaning into the hug. "And you, mama." I hugged her even tighter.

Time skip because Ms O'Leary is sad.

It had been a few great weeks in Elysium. There was a party almost every day, and i got to see some of my old friends from the 30's again. Along with a ton of demigods who had died that i had once known.

Suddenly i felt a weird stinging, burning feeling. I shouldn't have been able to feel anything. I was dead. With a hiss i sank to my knees. I started to steam a light green color, and then the underworld vanished in a flash of green.

 Suddenly i took a gasp of air, but instead I immediately swallowed a large gulp of some acidic green water that tasted worse than water from the Phlegethon river. Basically really, REALLY BAD. I Jolted upright and my head splashed out of the green water. My whole body stung like Tartarus and i let out a screech of surprise. Then I realized something. I'm breathing. I'm alive.

Nico di Angelo Meets The Batfam (SPOILERS FOR 'THE SUN AND THE STAR'!!)Where stories live. Discover now