12: A Slight Mistake

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Nico's pov:

A few hours after we talked about Jason Grace, the boys came up to me again.

"Hey. When will the Prank Wars start?" Tim asked excitedly.

"In two days. So we can have time to plan." I say with a devious grin.

"I'm going to kick your guy's as-," Damian was cut off by Dick.

"LANGUAGE!" He shouts making Tim giggle as Damian glares at them all.

"Well, we also had something else to tell you." Jason says with excitement.

"What?" I asked.

"We are going... BOATING TOMORROW!!" They all shout at the same time in synchronized stupidity.

Shoot. I hated water. I know i am now allowed in it, but i still hate it. 

The others soon notice my frown. "You don't like water?" Asked Dick. Of course I didn't. What child do the Underworld wants to be in water. 

I sigh. "No, it's fine. It just stirs up some  memories." I force a weak smile. The water reminded me of Percy. And I don't want to be reminded of the bad times with him much.

"Okay...." Jason says awkwardly. "Well, Damian has some extra shorts and stuff you can borrow."

 Damian glared at him and snorted. "Why don't you let him use your stuff?"

"You think a seven year old is going to fit into a seventeen year old's clothes?" Jason mutters. I huff. Idiots. I'm actually like eighty years old.

The boys give me a weird look. "You guys argue over stupid things." I say and Dick nods, smiling, and then Damian slapped him, only to get slapped by Tim. That started a whole Slap-Fest, so i snuck away and walked to the kitchen.

"Hello Master Nico. We will have a family dinner in a bit. Please come back in an hour." Alfred informed me. I nodded and went upstairs to my room. On the way i passed my brothers. Damian was being pinned by Jason, as Dick and Tim started to argue about who was more annoying out of Jason and Damian. Then Dick called Tim annoying and found him self being chased around a couch by a fuming fourteen Year old. 

I sighed and went up the stairs, down the hall, and into my room, and sketched for an hour before Alfred knocked on my door and said it was time for dinner. I put my sketchbook in the drawer inside my desk along with the pen. I was doing a sketch of Bianca shooting the Minotaur through it's chest with and arrow. I stood up from my chair and walked down to the dining room.

Bruce and Damian weren't there yet, and Dick was sitting next Tim and Jason was on the other side. I sat next to Jason and Alfred handed me a plate with a small amount of salad and a few slices of ham. 

Then the real question came to my mind. How to burn some of it to the gods? I knew it would be weird to start a fire and dump food in then start muttering a prayer in Ancient Greek. The past couple of days i had just brought my dinner outside and stared a small fire, then put it out. I knew Alfred would likely find that unacceptable, considering the small amounts of food i ate already.

I picked at the salad with my fork. Jason glanced at me. "Don't play with your food, kid. Alfred doesn't like that."

I stop but shoot back at him. "Don't call me kid, Dead Guy." I smirked as he growled at me. We paused the teasing as Bruce and Damian showed up.

Damian sat next to me and Bruce sat at the head of the table. We ate and talked a bit and after I finished my salad and one of the three slices of ham i had, I snuck out into the living room where the fire was still burning in the fireplace. 

I slid my ham in and muttered. "To Hades and the other gods. Thanks for the blessings."

"What was that?!" Damian walked out of a corner. Crap. He followed me.

"Uhhh... nothing?" I said but it sounded like a question. I wasn't about to use the Mist on something so small.

"Dude you just threw your dinner into the fire then started muttering random stuff!" Damian said with a devious grin. Oh gods help me now.

"Fine. My religion has me throw the best part of my meal in a fire as a sacrifice." I mutter.

"Religious, huh! I can't wait to tell the others!" He smirked smugly.

The shadow start to crawl towards me and the temperature slowly decreased. "Don't. Even. Think. About it." I hiss my voice full of venom. Then i notice how scared he looked. He was trying to hide it and was doing a terrible job. Then I realized why.

 I was holding a huge Styxgian iron scythe, my wings extended, surrounded by shadows. And to make it worse twenty skeletons and three hellhounds stood behind me, ready to attack upon my command. I was now pretty sure he was clear sighted. And i had turned to my normal age of fifteen. 

"BRUCE! BRUUUUUUCEEEE!" He shouts and i curse, sending the undead to the Underworld , sent the hellhounds away, tucked my wings in, made the scythe turn back into a ring, de-aged, and made the shadows and temperature go back to normal. Then i snap my fingers and let the Mist do its thing.

Bruce arrived panicking. "What's wrong?" He asks. I twist the Mist to make him forget that, and i had a feeling Hecate would NOT be pleased if i used the power much more. 

"Uhhh..." Damian stuttered. "I forgot." He said with a shrug. Bruce gave him an odd look then walked away. Phew.

After that fiasco, I decided i should probably go to bed, especially with all of the power i just had used. So i trudged up the stairs went into my room, plopped on the bed and passed out instantly.

See ya soon my Minions!❤️


Nico di Angelo Meets The Batfam (SPOILERS FOR 'THE SUN AND THE STAR'!!)Where stories live. Discover now