29: My Children Come to Visit

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Nico's Pov:

After about a week, most of my injuries were healed due to ambrosia and nectar, and Alfred. Never forget Alfred. I had IMed Sam and said hi to him, so he was happy, and Echo had gotten a new friend. Damian had found a black and white cat while on patrol and named him Alfred, Alfred the cat. The two cats quickly became friends, even though one of them was actually a giant killer tiger.

I had also informed my demigod 'friends' that i was okay, and living with Bruce now. Will and the Seven were still not happy with me for leaving, nevertheless. So were my Cocoapuffs. 

According to the Seven, the Cocoapuffs were getting EXTREMELY rambunctious, and stubborn. They kept trying to escape, and were constantly nagging at campers for attention.

So, like normal, the Seven came up with a solution to the problem. Take careful note that I DID NOT agree with them, but did they listen? NO. 

They decided to ship the Cocoapuffs here.

Basically, they just yeeted them all into a chariot with some pegasi to bring them here. And with Percy leading them on Blackjack, of course.

Great. Now i was left with the responsibility of telling Bruce that my cousin Persassy was visiting, along with my hoard of crazy little demons.

 Speaking of demons, they would probably get along great with Demon Spawn.

I sighed as i walked down the hall and almost ran into Dick as he stepped out of his room. "Hey Neeks! Why do you look upset?" He asks.

"Meh." I grumbled, not wanting to tell him.

"Come on! Just tell me!" He begs, giving me the puppy dog eyes.

"I am going to tell Bruce first," i gave in. "You can listen if you want.

"Yay!" He squeaked loudly, hopping up and down. The ruckus caused Jason and Tim to walk out of their rooms. 

"What's goin' on, Goldie?" Asked Jason sleepily.

"Nothing." I growled.

"He has something bothering him, and is about to tell Bruce! He said we can listen if we want!" Dick quickly said.

"I said you. Not them." I said grouchily, gesturing to Tim and Jason. Then i turned and walked away with a huff. 

I could hear their footsteps behind me. 


After asking Alfred of Bruce's location, i quickly found him in his office going through some paperwork.

"Hey Bruce? I have something i need to notify you of." I said nervously, as the boys file into the room behind me. Damian had joined them at some point, because he was with them too.

"Yes Nico?" Bruce asked me, looking up from his papers.

I twist my skull ring nervously. "Well... my cousin just decided he was going to show up...."

"And?" Bruce probed, knowing I wasn't telling him everything.

"HeisbringingmyCacodemonswithhim." I belted out quickly.

"Can you say that again?" Bruce asked with concern.

"Alright... my cousin is bringing my Cacodemons with him because apparently they have been causing problems." Bruce looked shocked. Then I realized that I hadn't said 'Cacodemons'... I accidentally said 'children'. 

My face turned bright red as I realized my mistake.

"C-children?" Asked Jason slowly, his eyebrows shooting up.

Nico di Angelo Meets The Batfam (SPOILERS FOR 'THE SUN AND THE STAR'!!)Where stories live. Discover now