27: The Gala (pt. 1)

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Nico's Pov:

I grimace  at the black tuxedo and fancy dress-shoes i was wearing. The tuxedo was incredibly itchy and tight. "Do i have to wear this?" I whined.

"Most certainly, young master Nico." Alfred answered. I stared at my untied dress-shoes with disdain.

"Uhhggggg...." I groaned as I walked out of my room. The thing that i saw next was a bit surprising. 

My three of my brothers were standing right outside of my door with a camera, clearly trying to get blackmail. They had not expected me to come storming out of the room, with shadow licking at my heels. The camera flashed, and they took off.

"HEY!!" I shout and run after them. 

I charged down the stairs, enraged by their giggling. 

Well, Jason's giggling.

While running, I promptly tripped over my shoe laces and went flying down the stairs face first, and landed on top of Tim, who fell forwards onto Damian, making him accidentally trip Jason as his arms waved wildly, trying to stay up.

"Wow." Dick said, looking at the pile of kids in front of him. "Are you guys okay?" He asked, crouching down.

"Yep...." Jason moans, then a wicked grin spread across his face. He jumped up from the floor, holding the camera out of my reach. "HA! BLACKMAIL!" He shouted. But i had a plan.

I felt my arms grow thick brown fur, and my hight grow by like five times.

I was now a giant Kodiak Bear, standing on my hind paws, about three feet taller than Jason. Which meant i was nine feet tall now. I growled and used a massive forepaw to swat the phone out of Jason's hands, successfully breaking it. 

Then i shrank again and looked at his shocked face with a smug grin. "You forgot about that, didn't you, Dead Guy."

"Shut up." He mumbled, not happy that i had just destroyed his phone. Damian (having finally gotten up) and Dick stared at me. 

"You guys actually forgot?!" I said with laughter. "Now i know why Lester was always complaining about mortals' memories being short!" I wheezed.

"Hold on, Death Breath, we only forgot the shapeshifting and other powers, not the demigod stuff...." Tim says, still a bit surprised.

"Don't call me that, Coffee Addict. Also, even i forget my different powers sometimes." I said, rubbing the back of my neck. Shoot, i picked up a habit from Persassy Jackson.

"Okay, well Demon and Replacement, you guys said that we were going to... uhh... hangout?" Jason says. Tim and Damian nod, and quickly follow Jason back up the stairs.

Dick sighed and picked up Jason's shattered phone. 

"They're looking for more blackmail, aren't they." I grumble, a bit tired from shapeshifting.

"Yep." Said Dick, popping the P.

Time skip to the start of the Gala, because Octavian the Odd saw it in some stuffing! Does anybody else want to personally strangle Octavian for blowing up Leo? Raise your hand if so: ✋. 

I sighed as i watch more people stream in through the front door and head to one of the ballrooms. I stood up from the chair i was sitting in and walk up to Tim.

"Hey, do you know where Bruce is?" I asked.

"Yep. Bruce was in the kitchen talking to Alfred about making extra food for the guests, last time i checked." He sighed as he took a long sip of coffee. That kid has serious problems. That's probably like his eighteenth cup today.

I thanked Tim, and quickly walked to the kitchen, feeling uncomfortable in the tuxedo.

Bruce was indeed in the kitchen, but he was now looking at his phone, muttering something about the stock market.

"Hey Bruce?" I asked him. "Do i have to speak to the crowed?" 

"I am afraid so, Nico, but just go with the basics, like i said." He gave me a small smile. "It won't be to bad. The other boys are just dramatic."

"Okay...." I said with uncertainty.

A bit later my brothers and I met up in the ballroom, where a few couples were dancing to music, while the rest discussed stuff.

"Hey, Neeks! How's it goin'?" Asked Jason with a stupid grin on his face. I grunted in response, not happy about having to talk to a crowd. After a bit of awkward silence, Dick decided to start a conversation.

"Have you ever tried any of Alfred's cookies?" Dick piped up.

"No? Why?" I asked.

The boys' jaws hit the floor. "Tim, go fetch some of the heavenly masterpieces called Alfred's cookies." Jason instructed, staring at me as if i was a ghost. But that was a pretty accurate description of me, most of the time. 

Tim quickly scurried away, in search of the wonderful desert. He soon appeared again, holding five cookies, and passed one each of us.

I nibbled at one of the edges of the cookie, then quickly ate the rest. The batboys soon finished their's too.

"Wow, you guys are right! They might even rival Sally Jackson's cookies! Well, not the blue ones."

"They are indeed good, Pennyworth is an amazing cook." Damian mumbled happily through a mouthful of cookies. 

"See? Even the Demon likes them, and that says something." Jason said loudly, accidentally spitting a few crumbs onto the floor. Damain shakes his head.

"Tt, Uncivilized barbarian." He muttered.

Just then, Bruce walked up to me. "Nico, it is time to announce you to the public."

I sigh. "Okay." I said nervously. I am normally not one to be nervous, but speaking to a large crowd, even if it was only mortals, was still quite uncomfortable for me.

Bruce quickly introduced himself on the stage with a microphone, and introduced himself, and some other things. "... and we have welcomed a new member to our family!" He said with a cheerful grin, but i could tell he hated every moment of talking to the crowd. "Nico, would you mind telling them a bit about you?" He asked. I nodded nervously and walked onto the stage.

"H-hi, I'm Nico di Angelo, and Bruce Wayne adopted me a few days ago after deciding to foster me. I am an Italian immigrant, and America is pretty different, but nice, too. The family has been super welcoming, and enjoyable. I don't know what else to say other than that i am extremely grateful to Mr. Wayne for adopting me. Does anyone have questions?" I said nervously, my voice shaking a bit.

A young woman with a camera crew dashed forwards. "You have been seen with the mysterious teen Perseus Jackson and the other teens on multiple occasions. Are they really terrorists?" She probed.

"No, they are not terrorists. They were just in the wrong places at the wrong times." I said confidently, looking her in the eye.

She was quickly replaced by another reporter. "You had a sister and her name was Bianca. What happened to her?" I winced at the question. I hadn't been expecting that.

"She died in an accident unfortunately." I mumbled.

"Can you say that again, Mister di Angelo?" He badgered me.

"I think thats enough for now, thank you all." Bruce said quickly, seeing the sadness in my face. The crowed backed away from the stage, so i could get down. 

Then the large windows shattered and a wicked cackling echoed through the room. "Now, i heard there is new little birdie in the family who hasn't said hi to Uncle J yet!"

Then all Hades broke lose.

Hope you guys liked this chapter! Love you my Minions! ❤️


Nico di Angelo Meets The Batfam (SPOILERS FOR 'THE SUN AND THE STAR'!!)Where stories live. Discover now