15: Filling in the Gaps

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Nico's Pov:

It was a day after the first session of pranks when i decided to look into the odd things that had been happening. As i had quickly found out, Jason Todd was the Red Hood, but I didn't know about the others. They were clearly hiding something, plus they knew Jason's identity. And why some of them would leave right after one of them came back. I found this out by soul searching. It was time to do some more research.

Time skip cause I'm lazy.

It was about ten at night and Alfred had just told me to go to bed. I groaned when he told me that.

I had just formed a plan. It was a bad plan, but at least it was a plan. It was ten o' five P.M and from what i had observed, the boys, and Bruce had a tendency to start disappearing at ten thirty so, i had to catch one of them going out, then without them noticing i would read their minds to see what the Hades they are thinking about.

Then i sensed a soul sneaking out from a room. Damian's room by the position the soul was coming from. I sensed him walk down the hall, not making a sound. Eventually, i sensed him go underground. Maybe a basement? A quickly shadow traveled behind him. Wow.

I was crouching behind a large black car, in a dark cave. I peered out from behind it to see Damian Wayne in a ridiculous costume, next to Bruce Wayne who was dressed as a huge bat. And a huge grumpy bat to be specific.

"So, Batman." Damian grunted. What's the mission. Or is it just patrol?" 


Damian nodded. "Yes father." Then he walked to a staircase and went up to a doorway that apparently connected to the family room. Strange. I hadn't seen any doors or anything that looked like a hidden door. So apparently Bruce was the Dark Knight. That made sense. I would have to save the shock for later and learn about Damian.

Damian pushed the door and walked out. 

I shadow traveled out, and appeared behind the couch, only the slightest bit tired. Damian walked out of the living room, and walked down the hall and slipped out the window. I watched then shadow traveled out.

It was dark out. Like really dark. Because it was Gotham. And Gotham was always dark. 

I slowly followed Damian. Then I started to read his mind.


: when words have 'these' around them that's Damian's thoughts. Also i said these cause me are dumb and i don't don't remember what 'these' are called.) 😅

'I wonder if the Joker has escaped again. Well if he has and Batsy doesn't know, maybe i could kill him. That would be fun. But then Bruce would get mad. Hmmmm... maybe i can find Poison Ivy and put her back in prison. Or maybe Penguin.' Being in Damian's mind was miserable. Could, dark, and scared. But somewhere in there, shoved into a distant corner, was kindness and compassion.

'Welp, I'd better get going. B isn't going to be happy if i don't do anything.' He thought as he walked down the street, then quickly launched himself onto a fire escape of a nearby apartment. The quickly climbed and leaped up it and got to the top. I just shadow traveled up.

Damian was standing on the edge of the roof. Then he jumped to the next, then jumped again. I followed, able to jump between the gaps too, only slower because I'm literally a seven year old.

After a jumps, he stopped and hopped into the grimy alley bellow. I quickly followed, covering myself in shadows.

Two muggers were grabbing a young woman's bag, one holding a knife, the other holding her bag. She let go of the bag, and Damian pounced onto the guys with the bag. He twisted the guy's arm behind his back and forced him to drop the bag, then knocking him out with a quick smack to the face. 

The other mugger finally regained his wits, then came at the ten year old. Damian dodged sideways and knocked the other one out with a quick punch to the jaw. He tied then both up, back to back, called someone, probably the police, then climbed up the next building. 

Stood up from behind a trash can and watched Damian jump away. Then i noticed what was on his costume. A red and yellow R. Oh. Damian is a Robin. I knew there were multiple. I just didn't think one would be ten.

Well, i got what i needed for tonight. I'd better head home. I'll find out about the others later.

I know, relatively short chapter, but do not fret, my Minions! I'm just dragging out the amount of time it takes for all of them to find out each other's identities, so yea. I did think about doing it before, but i just don't want them all to find out. Yet. Anyways, that's it for this chapter! Love you, my Minions!❤️


Nico di Angelo Meets The Batfam (SPOILERS FOR 'THE SUN AND THE STAR'!!)Where stories live. Discover now