Night-Night Nico

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This was requested by @PeopleandPerson111 ! I hope you guys enjoy!


Injury\coma arc.

Nico's Pov:

I sighed as I flopped out of bed and onto the floor. I wasn't ready to get up. Not today, or ever. It was always too early to get out of bed, yet I had to get up anyways. Uhg. 

Squirmed my way out of the cozy, inviting blanket cocoon that I had made accidentally last night while asleep, and slowly pried myself off the cold, hard floor. Definitely NOT  morning demigod. I lugged myself off the floor and shot a jealous glare at Echo, who was curled up in a mound of blankets, shooting a teasing look at me. I stuck my tongue out at him. He just ignored me and enjoyed how little the world required of him. What happened next made me want to go back to bed even more.

"Nico, hurry up! We've got a mission in Blüdhaven tonight, remember?!" Dick called through the door. I groaned loudly and Dick snickered. No, I didn't remember, because no one had told me. Stupid bats.

Time Skip to 11:00 P.M at Blüdhaven.

I fluttered over to where the BatClan was perched on a building, landing silently behind them. I tucked my wings into my cloak and walked up, placing myself between Jason and Tim. The two hero's had been swatting each other and bickering about something. Apparently Jason had barged into the bathroom while Tim was showering, and dumped a bucket of ice onto him, causing the caffeine addict to screech. How I had slept through Tim's girlish squeals, I had no clue, but I was glad I did.

"Angle. I need you to go knock out those goons over there. They work for the Riddler, who is attempting to kidnap a rich man for ransom." Batman growled as he gestured to the ground below us. I nodded and leaped off the building, free-falling. The wind whipped at my face and tears started to flow from the speed. Just before I could face-plant on the concrete and become a Nico-pancake, I snapped my wings open and soared up, quieter than an owl. I glided smoothly over them, assessing the goons. There were about eight. Four guarding the entrance of the warehouse, three loitering by some cargo crates, and one smoking at the back of the crates. Each had some kind of weapon, wether a gun or a knife of sorts. Piece of cake. 

I swooped in low, and summoned a skeleton behind the man who was smoking, so that he couldn't raise an alarm. The skeleton pulled its head off, and bashed the smoking goon on the head with its skull. Talk about a head-on collision. The goon collapsed with a thud, unconscious. Thanking the skeleton, I sent it back into the ground. It was convenient that so many people had died in Gotham. Great, now I sound like a serial killer, or a necrophile of sorts. Gross.

I shifted into a fox pup, and trotted over to the three goons by the crates who had been chatting. I gave a small whine from the dark corner I was in, drawing their attention. They walked over to me, and one shone a flashlight into the small corner between the crates I had wedged myself into. The first one, let's call him Gilbert (He seemed like a Gilbert), bent down to pick me up. At that moment, I summoned Echo from my room (take that you bed-stealing bastard! Now you have to face the cold streets of Gotham too!). Echo saw my situation before the men noticed him, so he shifted into were-tiger form, and pounced on the guys, smothering them and quickly knocking them out from lack of oxygen. As they crumbled beneath the cat's weight (seriously Damian, lay off on the treats!), I heard some bones crunch. Ouch.

I quickly sent Echo back to my room, so he could re-claim my bed. Smug little maniac. I could practically hear him purring from Blüdhaven!   

I stealthily continued to the front of the warehouse, careful to avoid any sticks and leaves that had fallen in the recent winter storms. I trotted over to the corner of the warehouse, then shifted back to demigod form. Phew. Fox form was a little restraining. Deciding I didn't want to spend anymore time fighting these guys, I walked over and started to pull on my charm-speak. "Hey. I need you guys to fall asleep for five hours, and not remember this conversation for me okay? The last thing you guys remember was chatting while guarding the entrance to this warehouse, alright? Thank you." I said. The four started to nod vigorously, right before promptly passing out and falling over. Easy.

Nico di Angelo Meets The Batfam (SPOILERS FOR 'THE SUN AND THE STAR'!!)Where stories live. Discover now