40: Capture the Flag Pt 2: Mortals

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Nico's Pov:

I stood there, glaring into Diana's soul. If she even had one. "What is she doing here?" I growled. Diana glared at me even more fiercely. My demigod friends gave me a look that said 'please don't'. I wasn't having any of that. This lady was the reason Bianca was dead.

"I am supposed to be here helping Bruce. Why are you so mad at me?" She growled.

"I don't know. Maybe because you're the reason Bianca's dead?!" I snarled. The mortals looked surprised as they glanced between me and Diana.

"Me?! She wanted to join my Hunters."

"Well, you got caught by Atlas and forced her to save you! You're a goddess! You could've gotten out yourself!"

Diana was getting really irritated now. Static raised the hair on my arms while shadows swirled behind me.

"You're the reason she joined! Had you not been an irritating brat, she wouldn't have tried to avoid you by joining me! It was her destiny!"

"Destiny can be changed! You know what happened to Frank! His lifeline was destroyed! Yet he lived! And now you're blaming this on me!?" I spat, venom lacing each word.

"Stop holding onto your grudges! Just accept it!" She snarled back, her form suddenly flickering to Artemis's from.

"How can i accept that my sister is dead, just because you decided to use her as one of your pawns!? Haven't you messed up enough demigods lives?!" I spat. Artemis glared in return, her form flickering in anger.

"Woah. Nico and Artemis, calm the Hades down, i don't need my cousins murdering each other!" Percy exclaimed, walking between us. "How about we play a friendly game of Capture the Flag! Artemis feel free to sit to the side and watch so that you and Nico don't try to decapitate each other." He said nervously. 

Diana and I continued to stare each other down, but soon she gave up with an exasperated sigh and sat down on a stump.

Time skip

We had just finished getting ready for the capture the flag game. The teams were demigods V.S mortals. The mortals were team red, and demigods team blue. We were using the same flags (shirts) as last time.

I was put on defense this time along with Hazel, Leo, and Frank. The rest of us were offense or border patrol.

About five minutes after we got to where our flag was, Will blew the horn and the game had begun.

Suddenly a dash of red when flying by. The Flash. Hazel summoned Mist to create and imaginary maze for him to deal with. Then another blur, this one yellow. Kid Flash. Hazel worked her magic again, and both Flashes were running through inescapable mazes that weren't actually real. I high-fived Hazel who gave me a sweet little smile back.

Soon we heard a ton of gunshots and some grunts of pain. Red Hood. He charged out of the forest with Thalia after him, clearly eager to electrocute him after the incident when she first showed up. Thalia zapped him in the butt and left a steaming hole in his pants. He let out a yelp of pain, then turned around to observe Thalia's handiwork. Let's just say you could see his SuperMan underpants. Which was really hilarious.

He pulled his gun out and shot Thalia about ten times with rubber bullets, having almost no effect other than giving her small bruises. Man, Jason sure is trigger happy. 

Thalia, now distracted by pulling a bullet off from between her armor, gave Red Hood the perfect chance to come at us. He charged me first. Surprised that he would be that reckless (though i should have not been surprised, i had known him for long enough to know he is reckless), he managed to land a punch on me. When he punched me, i picked up a strange deathly feeling coming off of him. Not his already dead one, but a more recent, thicker one that seemed to weigh him down.

He tried to run past me, but i summoned a skeleton under his foot. As it clawed it's way up, it tripped him causing him to trip headfirst into a large pile of leaves. He pushed himself up, leaves and mud sticking to his uniform and helmet. Then he charged onwards with the skeleton, Thalia, and I racing after him. 

"Wazzup Hoodie!?" I heard the shout. Oh dear lord, help us. Leo came running at Jason with his arms open for a hug. If that wasn't threatening enough he was drenched in so many layers of flame, all you could see was the outline oh his skeleton. With that, all of us shrieked, then—even the ones of us that were on Leo's team—turned and ran as fast as we could go. Even the skeleton ran away. It was a miracle Leo didn't burn down the whole forest. 

Soon, we had left Leo behind and we all collapsed in a clearing, panting. Then Red Hood sat up, realizing he was surrounded my enemies. Hazel stood up and suddenly a large brick darted into her hand. She walked over to Thalia and gave the brick to her. Jason looked at her and stiffened. Thalia walked over to him, smirking like crazy.

"Oh S***." Was all Jason had managed to say before Thalia yeeted the brick against his helmet, knocking him out. Thalia then let out a fit of maniac laughter before declaring:

"THE LINE OF THE BRASON HAD ARCHIVED A NEW HEIR!" I rolled my eyes, but it was actually pretty funny at the time. After that Hazel and I headed back towards the flay when we heard a shout of surprise.

Superboy,  Batman, Red Robin, Robin, and Miss Martian were running after Percy, Annabeth, Reyna, and Piper running back with the flag (shirt). Hazel and i cheered as they almost reached our flag but then it quickly died when Nightwing flew out of nowhere. Reacting fast, i summoned a missive Drakon skeleton. It whipped its snake-like form out of the ground and barreled into the hero's, sending them flying into a tree, winding them. Then Hazel and Frank quickly took down Nightwing. 

"WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Percy let out the victory cheer and we quickly joined in. The dazed mortals got up and congratulated us. Then the Red Hood wandered dizzily out of the woods, the shape of a brick imprinted on his muddied helmet, making us demigods die from the hysterical laughter that escaped us.

Sweet little chapter, but a bit of tension between our demigods! Enjoy the fluff while it lasts cause you guys are going to hate me soon! Bye, love you my Minions!❤️


Nico di Angelo Meets The Batfam (SPOILERS FOR 'THE SUN AND THE STAR'!!)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن