• ~ Six ~ •

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Chapter 6: It's Game Day

My father's game was tonight and it was time to get ready, but the only thing I could think about was the fact that Kit was coming with us.

I put on my 87 Kelce hoodie with a red bow putting my hair half up. I wore my black leggings with my red high top converse.

I whispered to myself as I put on my red lipstick.

"Please don't fuck this up, Lex."

My Father had left way beforehand, so it was just my mom and I. I went downstairs to see my mom already ready.

"Come on, let's go pick up that boy toy of yours."

"Oh my god-"

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We pulled up to the four season and Kit was waiting out there. And was decked out like her said he would be. He had a red chiefs sweater on and red eyeblack on.

"You weren't kidding about being decked out."

"I would never joke about fashion."

I chuckled.

"We have like a 45 minute ride ahead of us."

"That's cool, I'm with you."

I was melting on the inside.

About 20 minutes into the ride, I put my head on his shoulder. He didn't seem to mind, if anything I think he wanted me to do it. I couldn't be sure of what was going on between us. We just met, but we texted all the time.

"We're here!"

We got out of the car and got our badges. Paparazzi was everywhere, so Kit and I had to be careful. We weren't sure what was going on between us, but if paparazzi knew, everything would go crashing down.

We went the Chiefs box, and pre game was starting. We could hear the announcers.

"We have a game tonight! Chiefs versus the Vikings! We also have lots of celebrities up in the chiefs box today! We've got Taylor Swift, Alexia Kelce and Kit Connor!"

We all waved at the cameras.

My mom was talking to my grandma before turning to Kit and I.

"So.. Kit."

"Oh god." I said to myself quietly.

He chuckled and put his hand on my knee. I was folding on the inside.

"I've heard LOTS about you, Mr. Connor."

"Oh god." I said once again sliding down in my chair.

He smirked before speaking.

"Oh really?"

"Mhm, to be honest I think someone has a little crush."


Kit was chuckling to himself as my face was turning bright red.

"I'm getting nachos-"

After about 10 minutes of waiting in line, I felt someone next to me. It was Kit.

"How was your conversation with my mother?"

"Great actually. Your mom is very sweet. Besides it's not your mom I'm worried about."

"Don't worry, he won't kill you if I'm there."

"Because that gives me a little more comfort."

I chuckled as we walked up to the ordering area.

"Do you want anything?" I asked.

Dr~ ~ ~ ~ ~

The chiefs were winning. 42-7

Kit looked at me, and he stood up.

"Alexia and I will be back."

"Wait where are we-"

He grabbed my wrist and led me to an empty hallway.

"Okay, you were not very slick with this."

"Okay, uhm.. Alexia. I like you. A lot."

I smiled.

"We only met each other just the other day."

"Yeah, and you already got me feeling some type of way."

"Oh yeah? So what are you gonna do about it?"

Kit took a good look around, but apparently not good enough.

Kit pulled me in close. I looked at him with a smile before he kissed me. Man, wasn't I waiting for this. It was great until camera flashes surrounded us.

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New Romance Between Alexia Kelce and Kit Connor Has Been Revealed

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