• ~ Fifteen ~•

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Chapter 15: Dangerous Territory

Kit look in the mirror as I was changing to get ready to head to set.

"Oh shit." I hear Kit say in the bathroom.

"You good in there?"

"Uh I'm fine but-"

"You're freaking me out. I'm coming in."

I walked in and saw a hickey on his neck.

"Did I do that? Fuck-"

"It's probably not a big deal, right?"

"Actually it's a huge deal because if my dad sees that, we will both die."


"Come here. You are so lucky I have color correcting concealer."

"This is technically your fault."

"Shut up." I said with a smile as I covered the hickey the best I could. "When we get on set I'll have them fix it better than I can."

"Really? I think you're doing a pretty good job."

"I have experience."

"In covering hickeys?"

"Maybe." I said with a smile.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

We got downstairs and my mother was sitting at the table.

"Hey guys! Also I found your father. He was with Uncle Patrick."

"Uncle Patrick?" Kit asked curious.

"Patrick Mahomes is my godfather."



I turned to the Kurig coffee maker while my mother stared at Kit inquisitively.

"Mom. Why are you staring at my boyfriend?"

"You did a hickey cover up."

"No I didn't-"

"You've gotten better at it. I barely noticed. Smooth."

"But I-"

"Nice try. I was a teenage once. I know a hickey cover up when I see one."

"Okay fine- but we were mostly trying to hide it from Dad-"

"That's fair. Your secret is safe with me." She said with a grin.

Kit turned to me.

"We should probably get going. It's 8:30."

"Oh shoot." I grabbed my coffee. "Let's hit it. See you later Mom!"

We got in the car.

"What music are you thinking?"

"Play Mercy by Shawn Mendes."

"I love that song!"

"Me too!"

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

We walked into the studio right on time.

"There you guys are!" Trey said with a slight rush in his voice. "I need you two to head to hair and makeup asap."

"Okay.. do you think they can cover a hickey?"

Trey crossed his arms.

"You know they can- you've gotta stop doing this- whatever just take him with you-"

I smiled taking Kit's hand. They did Kit's hair and makeup while I changed into my outfit for the video.

I walked into the room at turned to Kit.

"Look at that! You can't even see it!"

He chuckled.

"You look beautiful."

"Aw thanks." I kissed him on the cheek.

Once we were both ready we walked over to Trey.

"Alright! Let's start with the party scene."

"This is the one where I just walk in right?"

"Yup. Then you'll go over to Alexia on the couch."

"Alright." Kit said adjusting his jacket.

They gave me a red solo cup. It felt as if we were already in a movie. The cameras started rolling. Kit had walked through the door of the set.

The lights were flashing around with tons of people. He had cut through them and walked over to me.

I was trying to follow the idea of the video the best I could. I stood up and grabbed his hand as they had me lead him to a 'bathroom' door. The cameras cut as we opened the door.

"Nice one guys! Take lunch while they change the set to a bathroom. Don't forget to change out of costume!"

"Okay!" I said with a chuckle.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

We had left to get lunch and I turned to Kit.

"I'm really happy you came back."

"Why wouldn't I? It was killing me not seeing you."

I smiled taking his hand.

Posted 15 mins ago

Before we went back to set I went through twitter and noticed one tweet that had really bothered me

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Before we went back to set I went through twitter and noticed one tweet that had really bothered me.

@User1289: Alexia Kelce is a homewrecker and a slut dude. She completely ruined Kit and Sienna's relationship. I can't wait till they break up.
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I wasn't sure what to do. I had never received something like that before. Kit had turned to me.

"Lex? Are you okay, love?"

"I'm not sure.."

I had handed my phone to him.

"Fuck.. I knew this was gonna happen eventually."

"What do you mean?"

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