• ~ Fifty Four ~ •

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Chapter 54: Hostages

It was Sienna. Sienna and a bunch of men. My life was flashing before my eyes. Milo, Kit and I were duct taped to chairs.

"Couldn't you have used something better than duct tape?"

"Milo shut the fuck up before you get us shot!"

"Sorry! I'm not good with serious situations!"

Sienna had a smirk.

"What happened to leaving us alone after I wrote you a whole album?"

"My album flopped. Dylan is soaring with the album you wrote for her. I want your life."

"If you want me, then let Kit and Milo go."


"Lex we aren't leaving you here with these lunatics!"

Sienna gave Kit a look.

"You just had to leave me for Miss Perfect over here. She cheated on you and you still proposed. What kind of spell does she have on you?"

Kit didn't say anything.

"Oh! No feeling very talkative I see."

Sienna grabbed her phone.

"Since we are going to be here for a while, I'm gonna order some pizza. Francisco, call Marco's. Order a pepperoni pizza."

I looked at Kit who looked Milo who looked at me.

There was nothing I could do. I was definitely going to die. I might as well make some sort of trade.


"Alexia what are you-"

"Shut up, and neither of you are stopping me."


"Sienna, let me break you a deal."

She turned around to face me.

"What's this deal?"

"If you let Milo and Kit go, I'll let you kill me."


"No way!"

"Both of you shut up. Let them go, and you can have Kit, my whole music career, everything. Just let them both go. Please, they don't deserve to be here."

Sienna looked at me for a good second then looked at her guys. They started cutting the tape off of Kit and Milo.

"I was just gonna torture you and have them watch, but your deal is even better."

They forced Kit and Milo out the door. I saw Kit and Milo look at me in fear. Tears were rolling down my cheeks.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Milo, call 9-1-1. Right now."

"I'm trying!"


"I'm trying!!"

Milo had gotten through to 9-1-1.

"9-1-1, what's your emergency?"

"Please hurry, my best friend is being held by gun point."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Well Alexia, I always knew it would come down to me being over you. With that being said.."

Sienna took my ring off my ringer.

"You won't be needing this little old engagement ring!"

"Can you just kill me already? I would like to move forward with this."

"You're right!"

She slid my ring onto her finger.

"Let's get this over with."

She held the gun to my head. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. A gunshot had gone off, but I was still alive. I opened my eyes to see cops everywhere and Sienna holding her arm.

"You fucking bitch! You called the police!?"

"I didn't do shit!"

Cops were grabbing Sienna and cutting me loose.

"Wait sir, she has my ring."

The cop took it back from Sienna and he turned to me. He started taking me out of the house and outside. I looked over to see Kit and Milo with panicked looks on their faces.

Milo looked up and saw me. He tapped Kit on the shoulder and he looked up. Kit had instantly gotten up and ran over to me. He hugged me tight.

"Alexia, holy shit."

I started to cry. I couldn't keep putting him in danger. He didn't deserve it. I pulled away from the hug.

"Kit, I can't keep doing this.. I can't keep putting you in danger."

"Alexia? What do you mean?"

"I've almost gotten you killed like 4 times now. I can't let you risk your life for me."

"Alexia.. what are you doing?"

I took my ring off and placed it in his hand.

"Find someone who isn't going to almost get you killed. I'm sorry."

"Alexia! Wait!"

I started walking towards my parents house, crying. Did I just make the biggest mistake of my life? Probably, but I can't keep putting everyone I love in danger.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

A/N: Sad chapter. I'm not gonna lie, I cried while writing this chapter. You guys know I can't keep everyone happy. On a happier note, London Boy, my Tom Blyth fanfiction, has the first chapter released! Also happy new year! Welcome 2024! I'm an asshole for leaving 2023 with a Kalexia breakup 😭 - Abby <3

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