• ~ Sixty Two ~ •

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Chapter 62: Ceasefire

"I think that is Josh?"

"Who's Josh? You mean like the singer Josh?"

"Yeah, and he happens to be my ex boyfriend."

"You dated Josh!?"

"That's beside the point."

"Can we go say Hi?"

"It looks like he's on a date." Kit said to Karcyn.

"So? I interrupt you guys date."

"Well that's diff- fuck."

Before I could stop him, Karcyn walked over to Josh.

"Hey Josh? I'm a big fan! I'm also Alexia's little brother and I just found out that you guys used to date!"

"Alexia? Like Alexia Kelce?"

"Mhm! I'm Karcyn! Karcyn Kelce!"

Josh had looked over and saw Kit and I walking over.

"Sorry about him, Josh."

"Nah, he's cool. Alexia, Kit, meet my girlfriend, Riley."

Riley looked like me in an off sort of way, but I brushed it off.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Alexia."

Riley smiled and shook my hand.

"You must be the Alexia Josh keeps talking about."

Riley had a jealous look on her face, then she turned to Kit. It was as if she was starstruck. I didn't like that at all.

"Hey there." She said making my blood boil in a way.

Kit didn't notice it, but I did.

I interrupted almost immediately.

"So yeah, Karcyn just wanted to say hi."

"I didn't know you had a little brother."

"Neither did I."

Josh laughed to himself a bit.

"Anyways, I'll let you guys be. Nice meeting you, Riley."

"Mhm. Bye Kit!"

I rolled my eyes. Why was she going after Kit when she was with Josh? I wasn't sure why, but I didn't get a good feeling off of Riley.

~ • ~ • ~ • ~ •

Kit, Karcyn and I sat at the restaurant when I got a FaceTime from Charlie.

Karcyn's mouth flew open.

"You're on FaceTime with Charlie Puth!"

"Yeah. We're friends." I said with laugh.

"Who's that?" Charlie asked.

"This is Karcyn, my little brother."

"I didn't know you had a brother."

"I didn't either."

Charlie laughed.

"Hey, I've got a question for you."

"What's up?"

"I was wondering if you wanted to feature on a song with me."

"I'm down."

"Sweet. I'll be in New York next week. We can meet at your studio."

"Okay. I'll see you then."

Charlie and I had hung up and Karcyn was still amazed.

"Alexia. Wanna know something crazy?"

"What's up?"

"My friends and I used to listen to your music all the time. Now I can tell them Alexia Kelce is my older sister!"

Kit had turned his head and whispered to me.

"Is that Josh's girlfriend?"

I turned my head.

"I think so. Is she on a date with someone else?"

"Looks like it."

"Should we tell Josh?"

"Probably. Take a picture."

I grabbed my phone and took a picture. She had seen us and panicked. That meant Josh was being cheated on.

• ~ • ~ • ~ •

A/N: Kind of a filler chapter for future events. Sorry I haven't been super active with this books, but gotchu guys I swear -Abby <3

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