• ~ Twenty ~ •

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Chapter 20: Nonstop

I was at the studio working on my new album when Kit walked in with a coffee.

"Oh my god! Babe you are my lifesaver."

"Just how you like it. A cold brew with 3 creams, 3 sugars and 3 French Vanilla Swirls. Also cold foam."

"What would I do without you?"

I smiled kissing him as he sat down on the couch.

"Are you staying?"

"I just figured I'd stop by."

"Go ahead and stay. Trey takes like 10-20 minute breaks in between each song so, I need the company."

I moved closer to him, basically cuddling him as he wrapped his arm around my waist.

"Your studio looks like a mini house."

"What? Just cause it has a couch and mini fridge full of those fancy marble sodas?"

"Wait seriously?"

"Absolutely, but on a semi serious note Christmas is right around the corner. So I guess my question is.. are you going to stay here for Christmas, am I coming to you, or are we just not going to see each other on Christmas?"

"Well definitely not the last one." I said with a smile. "How pissed do you think my mother would be if I stayed here until New Year's?"

"Wait are you actually thinking about staying here until after New Year's?"

"I want to. I'm just worried that my family will be pissed about it."

"Baby. You're 19. You're an adult. You don't necessarily have your get permission from your mother."

"I didn't think about it that way.."

"And how about this, Thanksgiving is in like a week? How about we fly to Purley for a few days then come back?"

"I'm down. That way we did see my family on a holiday."

"Exactly." I said with a chuckle.

Trey had walked in.

"Alright Lexia, I just ate a turkey sub so I'm ready to- oh hey Kit."

"What's up McNeal?"

"You're turning him American." Trey said to me with a smirk.

"I am not."

"Maybe a little bit." Kit said kissing me on the cheek.

"Oh Alexia! I have a zoom call for you with the chainsmokers in about 2 hours."

"Okay, does that mean we can start with another song?"

"Wanna do track 3?"


I stepped inside the booth and put my headphones on.

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