• ~ Forty Nine ~ •

500 13 11

Chapter 49: Living In Fear

I held onto Kit. Tight. The threats on my life were becoming more and more real.

"I'm gonna die. I'm gonna die."

"You aren't gonna die, Lex. I'm not going to let that happen."

"Should I book a hotel?" Joe asked.

"We can probably stay with my parents. They can bring in the bodyguards as well."

"Will they care if I'm there?"

"Nah. They won't mind. Tell them your friends with Kit."

"They call me the adopted child. They love me."

I had called my parents to make sure it was okay for us to stay. Obviously they were fine with it since I was in grave danger.

We had all grabbed stuff to take with us and we had gone to my parents. We had opened the door and Wilbur had run over to us all excited.

Wilbur had to stay with my parents due to our lease, but he knew who his parents were.

I had picked him up.

"Hello bud! I haven't seen you in a hot minute."

My parents had seen Joe.

"You must be Kit's friend from the UK! Welcome!"

"Alexia, your mother is Taylor Swift!?"

"I thought everyone knew that."

"Yeah Joe, everyone knows that."

My father had walked into the room.

"How are both of your parents tall and you're like 5 foot?"

"I used to tell people she wasn't my kid."

I rolled my eyes and put Wilbur down.

"I'm going upstairs. You guys coming?"


Joe and Kit had followed upstairs. I opened up the door to my room. It was left untouched. My parents left it just how Kit and I did.

"So you both used to live here?"

"Yup, until we got our apartment which they are trying to fix. I already called."

I had laid flat on the back looking up at the ceiling.

"I forgot how weird shaped my ceiling was. Both of you, get over here and look up."

Joe and Kit had looked at each other then each of them laid next to me.

"It is weirdly shaped."

"How did I live here for almost 3 months and never notice it?"

I had chuckled a bit.

I heard a heavy bang from downstairs and I had jumped into Kit's arms almost immediately. I suddenly heard my mother scream. All 3 of us had run downstairs.

"What the fuck!"

My father was bleeding from his arm profusely.

"What happened!?"

"Someone just fucking shot me!"

Kit looked over by the window where my father was shot. By the window was a letter.

"Babe, there's another letter."

Kit had brought it over as we read it.

I see you didn't learn the first time. Perhaps this will get it through your skull. First your father, next will be Kit if you don't meet me by the fountain in the park at midnight. Alone, Kelce.

"I'm not letting you go alone."

"I have to!"

"Can someone call 9-1-1? My arm is fucking bleeding!"

"Okay, what is going on!?" My mother said as she was trying to put pressure on the wound of my father's.

"Someone is trying to kill me, Mom. They said if I don't meet them alone in the park at midnight.. Kit's next."

"You can't go."

"That's what I said."

"I'm not letting you get shot like my father just did! If they kill me, they kill me. I'm not letting you go down for my doings."


"There's no talking me out of it, so don't try."

The ambulance had shown up and taken my father. Kit, Joe and I got in my car and met them at the hospital.

"America is weird." Joe said sitting next to Kit in the lobby.

I was pacing in the waiting room. I felt terrible. This was my fault.

Kit had walked over to me.

"Lex, you need to breathe."

"Yeah, as if breathing is going to help my situation. My father has to have surgery to save his football arm, I'm probably gonna die tonight, and you're next on their list. So yeah, breathing isn't going to help anything."

Kit had held my chin. I looked up at him.

"Lex, you don't have to be strong right now. You have every reason to let it out."

Tears had filled my eyes as I held onto Kit.

"I'm sorry.."

"For what?"

"Everything. You don't deserve any of this."

"Neither do you. I'm not going anywhere. No matter what. At this point, we're practically married."

I had smiled at him.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

A/N: A couple notes for today!
1. Merry Christmas! I hope everyone had a great day!
2. Sorry for the smaller chapter, but it's also sadder so I didn't wanna pack a lot into this chapter
3. I'm not singling anyone out with this because I've gotten a lot of DMs about this topic. I will NOT be making any Kit smut chapters as they are against his boundaries. The farthest I will go is a makeout, but Kit and Alexia smut chapters will not happen.
That's all, thanks guys! - Abby <3

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