• ~ Forty Eight ~ •

473 11 19

Chapter 48: Tension but not the good kind

Even after a week, I could still feel Kit's pain. It made me feel worse.

I was cooking in the kitchen when I felt Kit wrap his arms around my waist from behind.

"You okay?" He said quietly.

"Yeah, I just have too much on my mind."

I turned myself around to face him.

"What's up?"

"I guess it's just..."



He kissed me softly. It had slowly turned into something more until Joe walked into the room.

"You guys will never believe this!"

Kit and I had both jumped.

"I forgot he was here." Kit whispered into my ear. 

"What's up?"

"People are posting online saying you have a secret romance going on with Milo."

"Seriously? We got lunch! We're friends!"

"Let me guess, it's the same celeb news that said Alexia and I broke up."


"Let me see it."

New Possible Romance Between Actor Milo Manheim and Pop Star Alexia Kelce After Alexia's Breakup With Kit Connor

@user: this is goofy asf following the fact that Kit posted a picture of him and Alexia on his story last night 💀

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@user: this is goofy asf following the fact that Kit posted a picture of him and Alexia on his story last night 💀

@user: Can't celebs just be friends???

@user: What's next, Alexia dating the worlds largest slice of pizza? People need to stay out of Alexia's business. She's 19 😭

"Now this is the best comment ever."

"You guys wanna go get food?"

"I'm down."

"Oh, we gotta be careful. This might cause a thruple rumor between Alexia Kelce, Kit Connor and Joe Locke."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

We sit down at a table at a newer restaurant near Kit and I's apartment. I saw slowly starting to feel better until I saw who are waiter was.

"Hey, welcome to Ram's. I'll be your server Josh, what can I- hey.."

"Hey." Kit said all cheery.

I looked at Joe from across the table. Joe shrugged his shoulders.

"I didn't know you worked here." I said avoiding eye contact at all cost.

"Yeah, I work here on the weekends for extra cash."

I refused to look at him.

"Okay. You've gotta look at me eventually-"

"Lex. It's fine." Kit said turning my head back towards Josh.

It wasn't fine.


Josh and I now had tension. It was weird.

"Can I just get a water?"


"Me as well."

"3 waters, I'll be back."

I sat there in silence.

"So this is what you've been thinking about all day. The whole situation."


"Alexia.. it happened. I'm not mad, I hope you know that."

"I know. I just still feel guilty."

Joe sat there confused.

"I was never filled in on the situation. I've just kind of been here-"

"A lot has happened. I'll fill you in later-" I said.

Josh had come back with the water.

"So I see those rumors online are fake."

"You wanted them to be true." Kit said quietly to himself. I heard and punched him in the arm.


"Yeah, they're fake. Apparently I'm dating every dude I hang out with."

Josh had remained quiet and respectful about everything. He did his job and we did ours.

Before we left, I stopped him.

"So are we still doing the song together?"

"I figured you wouldn't want to."

"I'm not gonna hate you because of what happened. I was partially to blame as well. The only person who has beef with you is Kit."

We both looked over at Kit who was staring Josh down.

"I'll call you tomorrow, alright?"

"Okay." Josh said with a nod.

I handed him 15 bucks as a tip and went over to Kit and Joe.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"What does Timothee Chalamet have that I don't?"

"Are you seriously overthinking the fact that I just said I think he's fine?"

"I'm your boyfriend I'm supposed to overthink that."

"Maybe it's the eyes. He has nice eyes."

"He does have nice eyes. Maybe that's what it is. Honestly, I'd date Timothee."

"Can you both shut up- I get it. You're both gay as fuck."

"Well I'm Bi actually-"

"Shut up." I said pushing him through the front door.

"What the fuck-" Kit said as I walked in behind him.

The house was wrecked. Things were broken. Someone had broken in. I quickly ran into the mini studio and my songbook was still there.

"Kit, Alexia. There's a note."

Better watch your back, Kelce. Our attempt to kill you didn't work the first time, but that doesn't mean it won't this time.

Kit looked at me.

"We gotta get out of here. Something is about to happen. I feel it."

Kit had grabbed me. Just as he did, the chandler had fallen from the ceiling. If Kit didn't grab me when he did, it would have fallen right on top of me.

"What the actual fuck-"

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

A/N: So yeah, that happened. Also you guys are a bunch of Josh stans. It's cuz his character is portrayed as Tom Blyth isn't it? Anyway, Josh and Alexia will only be friends so stop getting ur panties in a twist you weirdo Jolexia Stans. Anyways, love you all -Abby

P.S. Merry Christmas in case I don't release a chapter tomorrow 😝🫶🏻

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