11) Temptations

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     "One drink and I'll be on my way." Jack insisted as his car halted in front of a towering mansion. It looked as huge as his, only hers was a little taller.

"No problem." Annie smiled and whipped her head to the opening door.

    "Boss." Matt greeted with a slight bow.

His eyes flew over the car and unto the stranger's head popping up from the other side. He frowned for a second, but hid it before Annie could catch it.

   Two guards at the gate, three outside the mansion, and countless CCTV cameras at every possible angle... Jack noted.
She indeed was living like a true Don, wary of anything, and anybody.
He was sure that there were a few fierce dogs lurking in the shadows, ready for any threat.

        "This way." Annie's voice pulled him out of his calculative mind.

He nodded at her, then followed her steady steps. Without Matt seeing it, Jack's eyes did a quick summary of him as he walked past him.
    Jack knew Matt had at least two guns behind his waist, and a dagger tucked in his shoe. From his physical appearance, Jack would take at least a minute or two to disarm him. But he also knew that Matt would fight back harshly, hence the two-minute duration.

         As he walked past the doors, a sensor ticked off, and warning beeps rang out, alerting the security team of a possible threat.

   "Oh shit!" Annie cursed as she hurried back to turn off the damned thing. She had forgot about the weapon detection machine at the entrance.
And obviously a man like Jack would be walking around carrying something to defend himself given his line of work.

      "I'm so sor-"
The sounds of guns cocking from outside interrupted her.

Something cold was pressed on the back of his head. "Take it out!" Matt ordered coldly.
    "Stand down!" Annie cried rushing past Jack to face her security team. "He's not a threat."

Matt was hesitant, choosing to almost ignore his boss and kept the gun on Jack's head.
    Some action? Jack thought as he slowly turned around.
With Matt never wavering or retreating, the mouth of his gun now laid on Jack's forehead.

    "Matt?" Annie called glaring at him. "I said, stand. DOWN!" She echoed annoyed.

  Quick response. Jack praised noting the team in black that had assembled on the porch when the sensor alerted them. He was indeed impressed by Annie's skills to organize such a defense.

    "But Boss-" Matt protested throwing his gaze at her, "-he has a-"

Jack's right hand flew up and knocked the gun to the left while shoving his head to the right in case Matt's finger pulled the trigger accidently.
His action took Matt by surprise, and by the second he thought of defending himself, Jack grabbed his arm and yanked him forward as he himself dashed behind Matt before twisting it up his back.

     A yelp of pain escaped Matt's lips as Jack held him captive by the arm on his back in an excruciating position.

   Frowning, Jack released the male by tossing him to his fellow members.
"I'm disappointed." He remarked at Matt who was tending to his dislocated shoulder with a crossed expression.

     "Wow!" Annie muttered to herself at the little entertaining show that had just taken place in front of her.

She couldn't believe that the leader of her security team had been disarmed in less than a minute. Not forgetting the dislocated shoulder that would hurt for a few weeks.

   "Call in Dr Red." Annie ordered the guards, and quickly grabbed Jack's arm to pull him in the house.

She rushed him along the hallway till they were in the parlor, afraid he'd cause more damage to her people.

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