18) Move in together

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Her voice slipped through the door left ajar. The mere sound of it knocked my heart out of place. Why had she come today of all days? I was breaking down after Pattie's visit. Now, now Annie had shown up as well? Was fate trying to suppress me through depression?

     I didn't bother to sit, just pocketed my hands while standing in front of the desk and faced the door. It swung inwards as a slender frame emerged from the outside.
She had her hair tied up in a ponytail, leaving no hindrance to her face.
Dear gawd! She looked so beautiful.

   Why wasn't she the one pregnant instead of Pattie? I'd cross the world just to satisfy her cravings.

The thought sent me in a trance. It dug up memories from the past. I missed the innocent and naive Annie, but I respected the mature and conscious version she was at the moment. People change, eh?

       Annie pushed the door shut using her left heel as her eyes fell on the mess on the floor to my far right, which she ignored almost immediately and made contact with my gaze.

My shameless vision fell on her tits, the blue dress she was wearing was tight, particularly around her chest area. Was it the weather or was she thrilled to come here? I couldn't tell, but the hardness of her nipples sent waves of confusion inside my lustful demon.

    She walked over under my keen observation, then dumped her coat on the desk behind me, all while holding my gaze.

         "It's warm in here," she finally spoke.

I nodded, "Mm!" Trying to remain indifferent.

Her hand brushed along my right thigh as she withdrew her arm. Clearly she had deliberately touched me.
     "Sorry," Annie made a pretense apology while straightening before me.

The little devil ran her eyes from my face and down to my feet. And without asking for permission, she reached out and adjusted my tie. No! She was loosening it.

   "What are you-"

She undid the tie and threw it behind me then got back to my shirt. After undoing two buttons, my hand flew out of the pocket to grip her wrist, stopping any further provocation.

    Annie's brown eyes floated to mine, questioning me in a manner I had never seen before. I could feel her unvoiced words, stop trying to act all dominant.

  Thus I obediently let go and gave way to her actions.

She unbuttoned to the third one, the pulled the lapels of the shirt outwards, creating an opening to my bare chest. Her eyes lingered there for a few seconds, and then she grinned, probably satisfied with her art.

    "There! You won't feel uncomfortable with the heat."

  I gazed down at the unbuttoned section. She hadn't done it for my own benefit. The little devil just wanted to toy with me.

     "You could have just turned down the hea-"

   A finger was quickly pressed on my lips. "Shh! I know what I'm doing Jack."

At that moment, with that slight contact, my wall of defense shook a little. I found myself staring deep in her lovely eyes, silently craving for a tight embrace to comfort my broken emotions.

     My free hand slowly moved an inch towards Annie without her knowledge but stopped. No, I could not afford to draw any comfort from her. If I involved her in my problems, the light relationship between us would twist to something dark. I knew her all too well, she would not handle knowing that Pattie was carrying my child.

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