20) Disaster on the first night

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*****Note; give my new book, "Dark Love(reverse harem) " a try if you love possessive men and a silly virgin female lead((28/12/23))****

On the smooth wooden floor, Jack dragged along two huge suitcases without breathing a single word. I didn't say a word either, afraid I would utter something that he didn't want to hear and in return, he'd kick me out of his house.

He stopped at a familiar door(my old bedroom). Offering it a side glance, he continued moving forward till he stopped in front of his own bedroom door.

My heart immediately made a double jump. Could he...

A stupid smile bathed my face at the possibility of Jack intending to have me stay in his bedroom. Or maybe he wanted us to share it?

Whatever the answer was, I was ready to scream a loud 'yes'.

My lips parted, making way for a cheerful inquiry. But all the delight was cleared when Jack turned to face the door opposite his bedroom. He silently unlocked and walked in.

Frustrated but powerless, I followed him in. Better than not living here, I comforted myself.

"Make yourself... comfortable," the male welcomed me, setting the suitcases next to the bed.
He sighed out of nowhere, piquing my curiosity. So curious that I hurried to stand next to him, eyes on his face.


Jack turned to face me wholly, "I'll have to set some rules. If you're going to stay here, I need you to behave like a good girl."

My brow rose.
And my heart rate shot up.
What kind of rules would he state next?

*****JACK'S POV*****

The eager sparks in her brown eyes made my heartstrings tug hard. She was simply...adorable.

Control your fucking lust dammit! A voice yelled in my head.

I cleared my throat, distracting myself from my own sinful thoughts. "Rule one; no nudity outside that door." I paused to get a reaction and she didn't disappoint at all. Her expression fell into a shadow of frustration.
"Number two; please don't bring anyone in this house unless it's work-related."

Annie stared up at me taken aback.
I could hear her question without her necessarily uttering a word, 'What's that supposed to mean?'

A part of me was satisfied with that feedback.

"You living here is so I can guarantee your safety, so rule number three should be the most important." I paused again.

Annie's eyes flickered with some anticipation. It was almost laughable.

"You cannot leave the house without informing me."
I was indeed serious about this rule. She could ignore the others but she had to diligently follow this one. Her safety was paramount to me. Other than my own prying enemies, she was in a crucial situation. Her developing the advanced weapons would soon be the envy of the underworld.

If Project Beta ran till the end, Annie would leave a bright mark in the world. Although I had no idea what she planned to do with the weapons, she'd be the center of attention in the near future.

It took her only a second to agree. Nodding hard and wearing a wide smile, Annie assured me, "No problem."

"Good," I breathed as some relief surged through me. "As for the last one..." Is it necessary? I wondered, thinking back to the past. "Don't mind," I mumbled and turned to leave.

"Jack!" Annie called out, halting my body.

I swallowed, feeling internally happy that she would live again under me. She had had the freedom to choose any other organization, but she chose me. Chose Shadows. She chose to come live with me.

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