1.2 - wake up, [first name]!

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summary - [first name] sleeps over and has a dream about a boy with striking golden eyes. she also befriends a pair of strangers on the train.

Somehow, you ended up in "Zucchan's" room while your parents prepared dinner. He had posters and figures of this All Might guy plastered all around the room. He was definitely a fan. When you walked in, he was embarrassed, but he didn't say anything. You could tell he hoped you didn't say anything either.

The two of you sat on his All Might-themed bedspread with a photo album full of pictures of your childhoods in between you.

Izuku would point at an image and then give you a detailed description of the event. During this, you noted just how sharp his memory was. It was crazy that he remembered all this.

He pointed at a picture of you, both of you being no older than nine. In the photo, you and him were standing on the swings. Your younger self had a toothy grin on their face while Izuku's was more sheepish.

"Remember?" he softly asked, staring at the image. "When you double-dog-dared me to go on the swings standing up, b- but I was too scared of falling and getting hurt, so you said that you would do it too, but I still didn't want to do it because you could've fallen and gotten hurt too. You ignored me and stood on the swing anyways," he chuckled and you could practically see the scene replaying in his head from the distant stare in his green eyes. "I- I didn't want to seem lame, so I stood on the swing too."

"Did we fall?" you quietly inquired, amusement in your voice..

He laughed a bit more, but there was a sadness behind it. You really didn't remember it? "You fell shortly after your dad took this. I fell right after so you didn't feel... embarrassed." He smiled at the photograph and you couldn't help but smile too.

You wanted to remember so bad. You wanted to laugh and bond over memories with Izuku, but you just can't because they're not there. It's like your memories are locked away somewhere. And you need to find the key.

"That's sweet," was all you could say, a small chuckle in your voice.

He hummed.

The silence was loud and awkward and you were suddenly reminded that, right now, Midoriya Izuku is a stranger. You don't know him. At one point, you knew him – just about everything about him apparently – but it's all gone now.

Still, you want to reassure him. Tell him that the old you – the you that he knew – will be back soon.

"The doctors said that I might regain my memories."

The boy beside you perked up. "R- Really? When?" he eagerly asked.

"It might take a few days, or even months, they said." Izuku heavily exhaled, relief surging into his chest.

"Thanks," you suddenly muttered. Perplexed, his eyes rose to your face. "F- For this. I think it might help my memories."

He smiled widely at you, hope in his eyes. His smile was bright and familiar. It was one that instilled hope in you. It was one that had reassured you so many times.

Dinner was loud – to you, that is. Every sound was much louder than it really was because of your antennae's heightened senses. Your brain was full of utensils scraping the ivory plates and it was driving you crazy. No one else seemed to mind though, so you tried to hide your irritation. Inko's cooking somewhat made up for it though. She prepared katsu curry, which was apparently Izuku and yours favorite food.

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