3.2 - fuck eraserhead!!!

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summary - [first name] unites the classes because she's so main character and everyone loves her.


You sat next to Mina on the edge of the hot spring, disheartened by the fact that you couldn't actually take a dip because it would most definitely ruin your wings. The warm water felt great around your legs and the steam felt relaxing on your skin though. You had somehow managed to convince the girls of both classes to just go in at the same time. Why? Because why the hell not!? There's only seven girls in 1-B and six in 1-A, and then plus you, that's fourteen girls in total! You wished there were more girls in the Hero course, but the ratio of girls to boys is more than 1:2!

As someone who's cold-blooded, the hot spring was great. You could feel your blood warming up. Before your metamorphosis, you were someone who was usually quite warm – Izuku would often comment about how hot your hands used to be. Now, your hands are usually ice-cold and a bit clammy. You glanced at your hands. They are so rough now, even compared to the beginning of the school year. These past four months of training have taken a great toll on your body, you noticed. The callouses from landing on your hands while sparring looked like they were ready to peel off.

You know the past you never tried this hard to train to become a hero. It was just an idealistic dream back then, one you held on a pedestal. Why didn't you try before?

It was dark out, the waning moon clear in the distance, but you didn't look at it, because if you did, you might've flown out of the hot springs in some sort of naked trance. Instead, you focused on your conversation with the girls. You felt something plush lean against your thigh, but you saw nothing there, so you assumed that it was Tooru's cheek. You reached to pet her hair, which was thick and soft. You wondered what color it was.

"What color is your hair, Tooru-chan?" you asked, massaging her invisible scalp. One of your hands rolled a section of her hair between your fingers.

She hummed. "It's a lotta colors," she vaguely answered. You felt her head shift against your thigh, and you could tell she was staring right at you. "My eyes are a lotta colors, too!"

"I bet you're real pretty," you said, hoping it came across as a compliment.

She grabbed your hand and put it on her face. Her skin was smooth and soft, and you wondered if she had a routine. You felt her cheek move. "Did you feel that? Did you feel me smile?" she excitedly asked.

You nodded with a giggle. "Cute! Your face is so warm, Tooru." Your fingers hovered over her face, and you felt a bump and squeezed it, assuming it was her nose.

"A- Ah, is it!? Uh, it's the hot spring, you know? It's really hot in here!" Her voice was nasally from you squeezing her nose. You continued to feel her face with your fingers, assessing her features. She had big eyes, and her lashes were long; they poked against the pads of your fingertips. She had round cheeks and nice eyebrows. Yeah, she's definitely pretty.

"Ah, it feels nice to relax like this after all that." Kendou stretched her arms well above her head, a satisfying crack sounding. "I wasn't expectin' those monsters!"

"My shroom fumes didn't really work on them, so I had to grow so many mushrooms!" Komori chirped. The girl had put her hair up and clipped her long fringe to the side. Komori had such pretty eyes.

Shiozaki leaned against the stone wall and sank down until the water was chin-level. "This is quite rejuvenating." The vines that made up her hair were held up by a claw clip, and she looked super cute with that hair.

"Hot springs sure are great," Ochako blissfully sighed, her face red, not only because of the heat of the spring. She glanced at you, who had your towel wrapped around your body. She sank down to hide her red face. Ah, she was jealous of Tooru who was using your thigh as a pillow!

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