2.5 - lamp, have you heard of them?

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summary - kaibara has a realization and kosei is jealous.


"Hello? Is this UA?"

"This is Ectoplasm of UA, yes."

"Can I personally request a student for internships?"

"And who are you?"

"Oh, my bad. This is Miruko speaking!"

Miruko, the number 6 ranked student in all of Japan. This student must be really special, huh? "And who is the student you are requesting?"

"[last name] [first name]!"

Ectoplasm paused. "[last name]?" He glanced at his colleagues, who were all talking and eating breakfast before the students arrived. His look said what the fuck. So your performance at the Sports Festival garnered quite a bit of attention, huh?

"Yes! Do you know her? She's an absolute angel, isn't she!"

Oh, he knew her alright. [last name], one of the most troublesome students in his class, especially when she was with Tsumeko.

"I'll have to speak to my boss about this as she isn't in the Heroics course, so I'm unsure if she's eligible for internships... Also, you don't have an agency, do you?"

"She can still intern with me personally! Let me know what your boss says, m'kay?"

The man nodded.

"Oh! And another thing – DON'T let her intern with Hawks! Goodbye!" And she hung up.

'[last name]... How do you know the number six hero personally...? And that bit about Hawks?'

"You alright there, partner?" Snipe asked, curiously analyzing his colleague's expression. "Looks like someone pissed in your cereal, heh."

Ectoplasm didn't even register how wrinkled in thought his eyebrows were until Present Mic yelled, "Ectoplasm! Your forehead is so wrinkled!! Who called!?"

Instead of answering, the teacher asked the other teachers, "Is it possible for a non-Heroics course student to go on a hero internship?"

Present Mic's green eyes brightened. "Ahhh, I know who this is about! That [last name] kid, right? She did well at the Festival... If it weren't for that freaky breakdown at the end of her match, she could've had a real chance at advancing!"

"[last name]'s one of my best students," the cloning hero boasted.

"It was clear she was scared of Bakugou during the entire match, especially towards the end. She froze up multiple times," Eraserhead quietly said. "You can't have that kind of fear as a hero."

"You're allowed to have fear as a hero," Ectoplasm countered. "We're only human after all."

Eraserhead scoffed.

"What was that about anyway...?" Midnight wondered. "She looked so shaken." She shivered as your terrified face popped up into her head.

"I would assume the response was triggered by [last name]-san's experience with a certain villain," a chipper voice replied. Everyone in the staffroom turned their head to the rat principal of UA, who was sitting comfortably on All Might's skinny shoulder.

"A previous villain?" the staffroom echoed. You've been attacked before? All Might's blue eyes widened in recognition. Tsukauchi has mentioned it before, hasn't he?

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