1.3 - pls let me take the exam!

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summary - izuku gets insecure of [first name]'s new friends and she takes the ua entrance exams. after, she meets with an old friend.

When you arrived at the station, Izuku quickly spotted you in the crowd, your taller than average height and giant gray-brown wings making you very easy to find. He began to jog over but stopped when he saw you talking to two boys. The two boys were clearly taller and more attractive than him. He felt himself grow more insecure as he kept watching you interact with them.

"I have to find my friend," you said, trying to excuse yourself to go find Izuku. "But good luck on the exam, Kosei-kun, Kaibara-kun!" You then left to find Izuku but couldn't see his green hair in the crowd. 'Hm, he must've gone ahead. I should go too then. We can meet at UA.'

You began walking to UA and you saw a green head of hair. Izuku! He was talking (?) to a girl with brown hair, which was pleasantly surprising. If your memory serves you right, then he has never spoken to a girl before (besides you, but that's obviously different!)! Which is kinda sad, but you also just talked to your first boys – that weren't your childhood best friend! So, you're both kinda sad. You decided to wait for them to finish talking before bounding up to him.

"Zucchan!" He jumped away, letting out a yelp. "Who was that?" you teased.

"O- Oh, that was, um, oh, I actually didn't get her name-"

Snickering, you said, "Maybe if you're lucky, you'll be in the same class?"

You continued into the school. The front desk lady pointed you to the testing area, but you pulled out a folded piece of paper and told Izuku to go ahead. "Do you take late applicants?" you questioned.

Her straight face faltered. "Miss, we don't take applicants this late, it is the day of the exam–"

"I woke up from a 17-month coma yesterday so I wasn't able to apply in time," you firmly stated with a solid 50 degree bow. "I'm sorry. Please let me take the exam!"

She was clearly shocked by the information. "I- I would have to ask my boss about that," she finally said. She then dialed something on the wired phone on her desk. Whoever she called picked up and she explained your situation. She let out multiple hums and complacent "yes"s before her mouth dropped. "He said you're free to go!"

Really? You were seriously expecting to have to go back home. "Alright, thank you so much!" You were increasingly glad that it worked in your favor. If you were sent back, then you would never become a hero, and then you would probably rot away in your bed while wallowing in sadness.

You cheerily made your way into the auditorium. You couldn't see Izuku in the dark, so you just sat down in the first seat you saw. You ended up between a guy who looked like a praying mantis and a girl with black hair in a sort of bob?

"OOOOH! WELCOME TO MY LIVE SHOW!" the man on the stage screamed. It hurt your head, and you had to cover your ears. You could still very clearly hear the man's extravagantly blaring voice though. His long hair was put up in a sorta banana-like tower. "EVERYBODY SAY HEEEEY!"

There was a deathly silence that gave you second-hand embarrassment. You side-eyed the girl next to you, and you met each other's eyes. You let out a sort of sputter that was supposed to be a laugh as she laughed into her hand. She got just as much second-hand embarrassment as you.

The man quickly recovered from the embarrassing moment. "I'VE GOT SHIVERS DOWN MY SPINE, TOO, LISTENERS! ALL RIGHT, EXAMINEES, I'M GONNA GIVE YOU THE LOW-DOWN ON HOW THIS'LL GO DOWN! ARE YOU READY!? YEAAAAAH!" Again, no one said anything, and you were starting to feel bad for the hero.

You listened along to the rules. 'Ok, so there are three different robots I have to beat, each being worth a different amount of points. I think I can do it?' Under your seat was a card with a letter on it: G. So G is the zone that you're going to. You hoped Izuku was there too.

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