1.6 - pls be more selfish.

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summary - [first name] joins a club and gets annoyed by zucchan 💔


At the end of the day, you stopped by room 118. You knocked on the door and entered when you heard a "come in!" The room was large, about the same size as the average gymnasium. Colorful square mats had been placed on the floor, with people doing all kinds of MMA moves on them. Kicks, slides, flips, you name it!

You hesitated. "Is this the MMA club?"

A short girl with her red hair knotted into a bun smiled gently at you. "Yup!" She was wearing a white Gi with a red belt, which you were sure is pretty good. "Are ya looking to join?"

You stood straight, trying not to look nervous. "Yeah, it's every Tuesday, right?"

"From 3:30 to 6:30 PM, but for heroics students, it starts at 4:30 because of their extra period."

"Right... I'm [last name] [first name], please take care of me!" You bowed at an angle that was almost a perfect 90 degrees.

She giggled. "Are you a first-year student? Sweet! My name is Kou Riesa and I'm the president of this club. What course are you in? This is my third year in the business course."

"General studies, but I'm hoping to get into the hero course..." Admitting that you wanted to get into the hero course was so embarrassing for some reason. Like, damn, you really think you have a chance? You thought back to Iida's words.

"You still have a chance of being placed into the hero course!"

Yeah... You do have a chance.

"I'm rooting for you! Not in all my years at UA have I seen that happen," she said. Is that supposed to be encouraging!?


"So, why did you want to join, [last name]?"

You thought about it. The first reason that came to your head was that you wanted to be a hero, and heroes know how to fight. The second was for plain old defense. Musutafu is riddled with villains, after all. "I wanna know how to defend myself. And it looks very cool!"

Her lips quirked up. "It does look pretty cool, huh? Your quirk would be pretty handy in MMA." She gestured towards your two pairs of hands, snickering at her own pun. You laughed too, but it was mainly so it wasn't awkward.

She then explained how the club worked. Basically, the club was split into three groups: learning, sparring, and sparring with quirks. Obviously, the learning group would be taught moves and then sparring would be using those moves. Sparring with quirks allows you to use your quirk. Duh. Today, you would be shadowing the club, just watching what everyone was doing to get a general census of the people there.

Half-way through, you decided that you liked it. Really liked it. And you were set on joining.

"Excuse me, is this the MMA club?" Huh, must be another first year. The boy had short blond hair and small black eyes. Behind him, you saw a muscular skin-toned tail with a tuft of hair on the end, which was the same color as the hair on the boy's head. Isn't he in Izuku's class? You recalled seeing him seated in the front of the classroom.

"Oh, be right back!" she told you. You watched as she talked to the boy, telling him the same things she told you. They began walking your way and the boy's eyes widened in alarm when he saw you.

"You're Midoriya's friend, aren't you?" his hand raised, pointing a finger at you.

You nodded. "Yeah, and you're in 1-A, right?"

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