1.4 - the whole family can hit

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summary - [first name] finally meets the secret todoroki sibling. alternatively, in which [first name] is a pro gamer.


"Oh my God, how did we fuck it up that bad." A batch of a dozen white chocolate cookies emitted a dark cloud of smoke. You burnt the dessert.

You and Natsuo wanted to bake cookies for Fuyumi, but it was clearly not going very well. The kitchen counters were covered in flour and chocolate chips and you knew how annoying it would be to clean afterwards.

You let out a giant sigh. "Ugh, ice cream for dessert it is."

"Well, I've never met someone that doesn't like ice–"

Natsuo's sentence was cut short by the doorbell. "I'll get it," you called. You looked through the peephole and saw two heads of red and white hair. Quickly, you opened the door.

"Fuyumi-chan!" you squealed as you enveloped the woman in a hug. She hugged you back, even tighter. Fuyumi made the decision not to comment on your new appearance.

When you parted, you glanced at the other figure. His split red and white hair made you do a double take. '...Touya? ...No, his eyes are different. And Touya would be 22 by now.' You stared at the large, red scar that tainted the left side of his face. 'There's that too...' You silently wondered what could have caused it as you averted your eyes and forced a smile at the boy. "You must be the youngest. I don't believe we've met before, have we?"

Natsuo had filled you in a bit on his younger brother. He told you about how he had been forced to constantly train by their father and that he was starting UA soon. From his description, you deduced that Shouto was awkward, stoic, and very blunt.

"My name is Todoroki Shouto," he bowed 30 degrees. When he straightened himself, he held out a gift, with both hands. Oh my God he was so well-mannered! The gift was a small cake from a bakery you've seen near your apartment complex. It was quite expensive.

"Oh, thank you so much! Natsuo-kun and I burnt the cookies we were going to have for dessert, so really, thanks!" You sheepishly smiled, bowing as well. You reached for the box, your fingers grazing Shouto's.

Fuyumi snickered. "I was wondering what that smell was."

"Oh, hush." You stepped aside and let them in.

The dinner table was covered in food. Once your parents heard that the rest of the surviving Todoroki siblings were coming over, they went crazy. Your mom ended up making way too much food. She had asked Natsuo what Shouto's favorite food was so she could make it, but he didn't know. He revealed to you that they were practically strangers because their father isolated Shouto to train him.

It was sad. Man, fuck Endeavor.

The seating arrangement was as such: your parents on either end, you and Natsuo on one side, and Shouto and Fuyumi on the other. You were across from Fuyumi.

Dinner went smoothly as you tried to explain the best you could what your coma was caused by. But then your mom interrupted.

"I don't think it was just your quirk coming in, honey," she said.

Her comment caused you to raise a confused brow at her. "What do you mean?"

She angrily continued, this time gripping her chopsticks. "The school tried to cover it up, but Izuku said that this kid had whacked you hard enough to give you a concussion. He wouldn't say the kid's name though."

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