2.16 - nezu hates [first name]

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summary - [first name] realizes that all the staff is crazy, and she gets slammed into concrete (multiple times!).


You stood in front of 1-A, beside the teachers. You avoided Shouto's steely eyes, guilty about sleeping (literally sleeping) and almost kissing his brother a few nights ago. You were in your hero costume, fumbling nervously with the cream-colored fur around your collar. The only thing you were thinking about was the training camp. You want to go so bad. You were genuinely shaking with excitement to take the test. You trained a lot over the week.

The students were surprised to see you standing along the pro-heroes. "Why are you guys still surprised, I'm basically a part of your class now!" you chided, deliberately avoiding Shouto's direction.

"In that case, [last name]-kun," Iida began, his voice slightly muffled by his knight-like helmet, "are you attending the training camp?"

You nodded and a bunch of students smiled at you.

"I have no doubt you all learned what information you could of the test beforehand, so I think you already hold a vague notion of what you are to do..." Eraserhead grumbled, his mouth covered by that scarf of his.

Kaminari threw his head back with a laugh. "Sure, just like the entrance exam it'll be like a musou game! Only with robots!!"

You held in a laugh at this, your lip twitching upwards against your will. A musou game is a genre in which there are basically waves of enemies the player has to get through. If only they knew, haha!

Mina pumped her pink fist into the air and cheered, "I can just see the fireworks! The curry! The dare sessions–!!"

Nezu popped out of Aizawa's scarf, surprising the class. Not you though, because you already sensed him there. "Sorry, I'm afraid not!! Due to various reasons, we're changing the contents of the test, starting today!" he proclaimed, pawing Eraserhead's hair. The man's face was hilariously stoic, like this was a normal thing, to have his boss pop out of his scarf.

You reveled in everyone's shocked faces and you let out a loud laugh, holding your stomach.

"[nickname]," Izuku stuttered, "you knew!?!? And you didn't tell us!?!?!?"

You held a finger to your helmet, playfully shushing him. Nezu spoke for you. "[last name]-san was, by default, less prepared, so I told her just to keep you all on even ground." He then went on to explain what he had told you. The students will work in pairs against a Pro. As they listed the pairs, you realized that the numbers were off. There were ten staff members and 21 students.

Your name was not called.

Jirou brought this to everyone's attention before you could. "But, Sensei, who is [last name]-chan against? There aren't enough teachers. Or will there be a group of three?" You nodded, looking expectantly towards Nezu.

The mouse broke into an evil laugh, "HAHAHA! You see, [last name]-san will be going against a few students!"

"Us!?" the students of 1-A gasped. You against all 20 of them??

It was your turn to be shocked now. Your jaw dropped. All twenty of them against you!? You would probably lose in a one-on-one against Mineta! No fucking way. Maybe you should just walk back to class... "Nezu-san, I can't possibly-!"

"He meant us!" Two students jumped out from behind a tree, a blond boy and a periwinkle-haired girl. They had large, excited smiles on their faces. Had they been there the whole time? How did you not notice? It was likely because you weren't very focused on that. The girl was really pretty, you noticed, and she had big blue eyes and her hair swirled on the sides of her face. She stared at you excitedly, with stars in her eyes. Her name is Hadou Nejire, right? You think she's friends with Kou.

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