2.11 - nightmares

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summary - [first name] wakes up from a nightmare, only to be thrown into an actual nightmare. she's going through it y'all.

cw - body description of past self, sorta gore ??? idk its like 1 paragraph --> starts at "The audience applauded"


It's now your last day of internships and you were hugging Rumi like there was no tomorrow at the train station. Well, there isn't a tomorrow with Rumi as you're heading back to school. "Even though I almost died," you fake-sobbed into her shoulder (you had to crane your neck down to reach it), "I'm glad I went on this internship."

She pulled away and glared at you, making you slightly shudder. "Yeah, you better be fuckin' glad. I've never given out internships, ya know."

"I take it back – I should've gone with Hawks," you said, tauntingly sticking out your long tongue.

"You brat!" She playfully wrapped her arm around your neck, causing you to struggle in the shorter woman's chokehold. She roughly tousled your hair, making you whine in annoyance.

"Gah! I give in! I give in!"


You stood on the concrete stage, millions of eyes peering down at you, meticulously assessing your movements. As you surveyed your surroundings, you took notice of the giant metallic dome overhead, trapping you in with no exit in sight. It separated you from the anticipating audience. You then took notice of a young girl, no older than thirteen. She was plump and stout. She had [skin color] skin, innocent [eye color] eyes, and [hair length], [hair texture], [hair color] hair. Your eyes widened in shock as you came to an astounding realization.

It's you. Pre-coma.

No wings. No antennae. No black eyes. No four arms. The younger you's body moved on its own, stretching her short legs and two fat arms and cracking her wide back. It was the Sports Festival all over again.


That's not you standing there, but a clone. A hollow duplicate of your past self. Your curious gaze loomed over her – a strange, out of body experience. You watched on as "you" continued to stretch, a confident air around her. You wanted to cheer for her, but no sounds came from your mouth.

You stepped in front of her, your height making you tower over her rotund form. However, she didn't seem to notice you. She kept her white eyes straight ahead, her determined face unwavering. Perplexed, you urged one of your hands to poke her.

Your hand simply phased through. You stared at your fingers, which were half-submerged through her skin. It didn't feel like anything. You were confused.

You felt a low rumble coming from the tunnel ahead of you. Your hands began to sweat as heavy nerves ominously loomed over you. A large step made the arena tremble and you shivered when you saw a too large hand emerge from the tunnel, gripping onto the sides to pull itself out. The giant from your internship stood in front of you, but it paid you absolutely no mind, only focusing on her.

It lurched towards her, but she didn't move out of the way. Instead, she intentionally stayed still and got crushed by the beast. She didn't even scream.

The audience applauded, a noise you found way too cheery and excited, as her blood splattered across the concrete, some of it even getting on you. It felt warm and slick against your skin, and the muscles in your throat convulsed, trying to gag up your stomach acid. You were disgusted by what you saw. Her organs gruesomely spilt out of her abdomen and onto the stage and her starkly beige bones jutted out of her skin at grotesque angles.

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