2.12 - red tie

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summary - hawks. that's it. that's the chapter.


Of course he wouldn't leave you. No, how could he when that Tomura guy was clearly not your friend. The man's name was familiar, one he's heard in a meeting before. He cursed himself for not remembering. He had flown into the distance and rounded a building when he was surely out of your sight. He circled around and stealthily landed on the balcony two floors above yours. You better still be alive.

He had left one of his red feathers to gauge the vibrations in your room. Steps neared his feather and he crouched behind the balcony's railing. Shit, this would look really bad if whoever's room this was decided to go out for a smoke, or something. His body shivered when he felt the feather get grabbed and disintegrated. Is that his quirk? How dangerous... Takami's jaw clenched when he realized the man's scaly hands were all over you and you could have been killed so easily in front of him. Fuck. He should've punched him when he had the chance.

"No heroes to save you now."

Takami had to resist the intense urge to fly down and grab the man. He would have arrested him, but how would he explain himself? Oh, he's just visiting the girl rumored to be his girlfriend-fiancée-wife and arrested this random guy for holding you weird and making you uncomfortable? He was only acting calm and friendly because he didn't want to make the pale-haired man feel threatened. He likely would have done something bad if he acted up.

He needs a solid reason for everything he does. That's what the Commission taught him.

The Commission — they're interested in you for your wings. They asked him about your quirk after they had seen the clips of you from your internship with Miruko. He was essentially obligated to tell them. It's the whole reason he visited you – to warn you about the Commission. But that guy was there and he can't talk about the HPSC with someone who is very obviously a villain around.

He let out a small sigh of relief when Tomura finally left. You're safe. You're safe. After a few minutes, he heard a thump, which made him panic. Are you okay? He flew down and landed on your balcony again. You hadn't locked it back up, so he entered your room and did it for you. He noticed how your slumped frame flinched at his presence, and it made his heart shatter.

He hated this.

"[last name]," he tenderly murmured, stepping closer to your trembling body. "[last name], I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." He kneeled down before you, his hands cautiously hovering over your body.

You swallowed a lump down your throat. "Takami," you whispered in response, your voice dry and whiny. You sniffled and wiped your nose with your wrist, opening your eyes to stare at the blond hero. "Fuck, I- I'm so-" You choked out, a sharp crack in your voice. "I'm so fucking done with this shit. I don't- I don't..." You sniffled again, vigorously wiping your nose. "I always fucking freeze up when I- I see him, or even fucking think of him. I hate it. How can I... How can I be a hero when I'm not brave?"

He gently placed his hands on your shoulders and pulled you up. You peered at him with big, black eyes that were glossy from an incoming onslaught of tears. You chewed on your quivering bottom lip; your nose and cheeks were burning. You wanted to cry so fucking bad. Takami stared back into your eyes, his eyebrows scrunched together, remorse and pity clear in his golden irises.

"Oh, [last name]. You don't have to be brave to be a hero," he breathed out, pulling you into his chest. It was hard to hug you, he noted, as he carefully looped an arm around your mid-back to avoid your fragile wings. His other hand began to soothingly stroke the back of your hair. You didn't reject his embrace. He felt his dress shirt get damp, but he didn't mind. "Deep breaths. In... Out... Everything'll be fine, [last name]. You're safe. I'm here. Hawks- Keigo's here. I won't let him hurt you again, alright?"

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