2.7 - 2 urself!

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summary - everyone loves [first name] hahaha.


"Lizard Wizard-"

"Stop calling me that."

"What do I call you then?" You curiously adjusted your headset. If not that, then what else? It's his username after all.

"Shuichi. Just Shuichi," he grumbled, and you could hear the TV playing in the background of his set up. It was news about the Hero Killer Stain.

"Shuichi," you slowly repeated, an audible smile on your lips. You easily killed another green slime, the mob splitting into more slimes. "I like it."

"D- Do you?" he softly hummed. He was blushing behind the screen, his fingers frozen on his RGB keyboard. He rarely gets compliments.

"Mhm," you sleepily purred.

Shuichi died. As in, he was so distracted by your sweet sleepy voice that he didn't notice a hissing creeper stalking behind him. "Fuck," he hissed, snapping out of his trance when he was met with the red death screen.

"Do you want me to get your stuff?" you asked, already heading to his coordinates.


"Alright, but I'm logging off after this," you compromised, stifling a yawn. Your eyes briefly shut before you forced them open again. His deep voice was lulling you to sleep.

"That's fine," he calmly said. His voice was hot. You wondered if anyone's ever told him that. "When's the next time you're free?"

You sighed. "I can't play for a week. School stuff."

Shuichi frowned. "No Fortnite for a week?"

"Nope," you murmured. You could feel your head drooping against your will, desiring nothing more than to just sleep. 'What time is it?' you wondered, gkancing at the corner of your monitor. 4:21 AM. Shit, your alarm goes off in an hour and 39 minutes. No way you stayed up that late with Shuichi! "I have to go to sleep. Night, Shuichi."

"Night," he dryly replied before you left the call. No playing video games with you for a week. What's he supposed to do? Play with TombRaida? Ugh, that guy is so disagreeable. They didn't get along like he did with you.

Shuichi was a recluse – meaning he usually avoided going out. People always glared at him when he was out. It was because of his quirk, his mutant quirk.

He would never find someone he liked as much as you out in the real world, so what was the point of going out? He already had one perfect friend, you.

He spun in his chair and got up. Shuichi flopped onto his couch, directing his attention to the news unfurling on the TV.

"We advise citizens to be careful of the notorious Hero Killer Stain blah blah blah," Shuichi slightly tuned out the voices of the reporters, mainly just paying attention to the bright colors on his screen. This Stain guy – he wanted to rid the world of fake heroes.

'Hero Killer,' he thought. 'How cool...'


Ectoplasm pulled you outside of the classroom after taking attendance. You looked at the silver briefcase in his hand, wondering what it was. It was labeled 0. "[last-name]," he said, a proud edge to his voice. You hummed in response, waiting for him to continue. "This is your hero costume." He held out the briefcase to you.

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