1.7 - janitor's closet

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summary - [first name] is in love with shinsou's voice. also, tomb is scary.


You ignored Izuku's texts this morning. He apologized, but it was obvious he didn't know what he was apologizing for. It made you grit your teeth.

When you arrived at school, there were so many people blocking the entrance. 'Who are these people?' All the noise and smells hurt your head.

You spotted your classmate, Shinsou, idling by the edge of the mob, scratching his chin.

"Hey, Shinsou-kun! Do ya want me to fly you over?" you asked, mostly joking.

He shrugged. "Sure?" You couldn't tell if he was joking or not. "Are you gonna carry me bridal style or...?"

Oh, maybe he wasn't joking? "Well, um, how much do you weigh?" you awkwardly asked.

Again, he shrugged. "140, 150 maybe."

Could you carry that? You have four arms, so you probably could? "Bridal style, it is!" You grinned. "If you're comfortable with it?"

He shrugged. Man, does this kid communicate in shrugs!? You took it as a yes and hooked your arms under his knees and back, lifting him off the ground. You could feel the strain in your arms, and at that point you decided you needed to start going to the gym.

You flapped your wings and flew over the mob of reporters, most of which were too distracted with the students trudging their way through the scrambling mass.

Shinsou stared below him in awe, his arms wrapped around your neck as he didn't want to slip. You landed in front of UA.

"I feel like a little princess right now," he monotonously said.

You laughed, realizing that he was still in your arms. Well, it came out as more of a choked guffaw. "I didn't expect you to say something like that," you smiled, putting him down.

"What, you think I'm a robot?" He snorted and cracked a lazy, but genuine smile.

"Sorta." You rolled your shoulders and followed him as he began to walk to class. "So, where are you from?"

"Saitama, you?"

"Shizuoka. I grew up just outside of Musutafu, actually. Do you room near here, or..."

"I take the train." Your jaw dropped. The train from Saitama to Shizuoka is 2-3 hours! Every day, that's 4-6 hours on the train. Your train rides are only around maybe half an hour to forty-five minutes.

"That must take a while, doesn't it? And every day? Do you pay or does the school?" you questioned.

He chuckled. "What is this, an interview? Yeah, it takes a while, but it's not so bad, I guess."

You sat down in your seat and continued talking until Aina came in. "[first name]-chan," she whined, sitting down in the seat in front of you and dropping her heavily accessorized bag. "How'd you get past the reporters so fast??"

You grinned and one of your hands jutted a thumb at your wings. "I flew, duh."

"Luckyyy," she sighed. "I wish I could fly, but all I can do is grow my nails." She wiggled her fingers, her nails elongating until they reached your face. "I had to poke a few reporters in the face to get them to leave me alone..." She retracted her nails.

You took her hand in yours and began playing with her smaller fingers as you idly talked.

"It's not that bad of a quirk. I know someone who just walks slightly above average walking speed," you tried to assure her, a small smirk on your face. Your dad really did have a useless quirk. Ah, that's pretty mean to say. When did your thoughts get so rude?

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