1.8 - in ur room

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summary - tomb is the worst and the principal thinks [first name] is a spy.

cw - breaking in, assault

After lunch you sat in your seat, silently staring forward. Everyone noticed how off you were today. You barely talked and you would just give people blank stares.

You had been ignoring Shinsou after what happened in the closet. You could tell he had been trying to get your attention, but he would rather talk to you alone and one thing he observed was that you were never alone.

God, you live by ignoring people. You still haven't talked to Midoriya and it's been three days. He would wait by your classroom, but you had wings for a reason and that reason was to fly out windows.

Also, that Kaminati kid began to mess with you for a bit. He would grin at you in the hallway and ask you on a date, but you felt like he was making fun of you.

And lastly, Tomb. Just the thought of him made you sick. You should've stayed home today, but it would have drawn suspicion from your parents.


That morning, you woke up with a start as you sensed something in your house. Something that was not supposed to be there. It was early, much too early for anyone in your house to be awake, and you could still see the moon glowing in contrast to the dark sky.

Your antenna twitched when you heard a creaking floorboard.

You laid still on your side, terrified. The whole Tomb situation was making you paranoid, but you knew this was not your brain playing tricks on you.

There was someone in your house.

The steps stalked closer to your door until you heard the door creak ajar. A body slipped into your room and then the door creaked closed again. They were in your room now. You tried your best not to begin hyperventilating or screaming.

A hand landed on your shoulder and pushed it down, so that you were laying on your back.

"Shhh," the man hushed you as he laid a rough hand over your mouth. You were surprised that you didn't disintegrate right there and then. Yet. He must have to have all his fingers on the subject to use his quirk on them. One of his fingers was deliberately lifted, so as to not kill you.

Your heartbeat drummed against your chest and you felt your breath quickening. You stared at the man, wide-eyed and frozen in fear.

He began to crawl into bed with you, his muddy red sneakers getting dirt all over your pristine sheets. He had sat himself on top of your hips, straddling you and keeping his hand on your mouth while the other held down a set of your arms.

You felt vulnerable and claustrophobic as his face loomed over you, his red eyes piercing through you and keeping you absolutely still. His pale hair hung over your face. It was the man from the store. Tomb.

"If you're too loud, I'll disintegrate you for real," he bobbed his head, breathing into your ear. You could only let out a pitiful whimper in response as his dry hand trailed down your face, lightly wrapping around your neck, and then stopping to rest on your chest. He kept his hand right above your heart.

"It's beating so fast..." he mused, an almost childlike sense of wonder in his raspy voice.

He then stooped down to press his ear against your chest to hear it. "So loud..."

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