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Why do some of the best days have to end so terribly? It's not like Y/N started a fight, or insulted any of her family relatives. 

Heck, she wasn't even late for work today so what was the big deal? 

Now here she was, her head throbbing and laying in a hospital bed next to some strange man in some sort of eye cover. 

Itadori on the other hand wasn't even there, and it made her worried since they were together before. Maybe that wasn't fair, from what little she could remember, they both got injured.

"Oh, Sup! How's your head?" The white haired man greeted, quickly flipping around and looking at her with the blindfold on. 

... How in the world could he even see through that? And how would he have known that she was awake without seeing her?

"... It's fine." The woman replied, looking unbothered but keeping a close eye on the man. It's not like you could blame her for being cautious. 

After all, she turned into a full fledged adult about a week ago and then she was literally kidnapped by a blindfolded man who was about twice her size and some angry emo-looking boy who probably had daddy issues.

Why was she here? What was going on? 

What was this random man doing? Why did he decide to sit next to her?

Clearly, she needed sleep.

"So... " The man started, looking no where in particular before giving the girl an award winning smile.

"Don't worry about your friend, he's cool. I'm not about to hurt you either so don't freak out. I'll explain what's going on once you get better."

Y/N just nodded in response, silently yawning and looking at the man before looking around the room once more. She noticed that the man chuckled mischievously and then stuck his tongue out at her. It gave her some doubt about him actually being a man. He had to be a teenager, right?

"Or not... I might just keep you in suspense, life's more interesting that way don't you think?" He said in a playful manner, teasing the woman and running his fingers through his hair before looking back at her. 

He looked at Y/N for a good two seconds until he realized that she fell back asleep, he doesn't blame her though, she was hurt badly and had a nasty head wound. It probably made her fatigued. 

But you shouldn't worry your pretty little head about it, he still had her subconscious mind to talk to.

"Damn... You fell asleep on me... Was I that boring?"


"Good morning." She greeted the boy named Yuji Itadori as he ran after her, the two of them walking to his school. She didn't actually go to his school, she did however do schoolwork at home with her stubborn grandmother. 

"Morning!" He greeted, giving her that big smile that he almost always had. 

It was usually when she was headed to work that she would walk with him every once in a while. She technically didn't have to work, but she did just turn eighteen so she felt the need to not be loitering in her grandmother's house anymore.

Now you may think, 'Oh! Y/N has a friend, that's nice', but you would be wrong,  that's not the entire story. 

The funny thing was that both Y/N and Yuji couldn't even be considered friends, they were acquaintances at best and barely saw each other. 

However they had a good cordial way that they interacted. 

It was kinda like when grown ups finally meet their childhood friend from like fifteen years ago and they're like 'let's see each other more often' and then they schedule a date and end up rescheduling and canceling multiple times cause they have a life and then when they finally meet again, they say something like 'let's do this again' and then they never do because they're busy. 

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