Throwing Things And Working

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Y/N yawned as she looked out the window of her dorm room. 

The place was where she had slept that night with only one box of clothing and a small bag of extra items. She would have to go to her apartment to pack up everything else that she couldn't last night, and she planned to go visit her grandmother today... And she still planned on So she was even more busy than normal. Thankfully, Gojo didn't have any strange mission planned today, so she probably had enough time to get her tasks done.

Why she agreed to move into a dorm room with all these other teenagers? Don't ask cause she doesn't really know. As far as she's concerned, she feels like a loiterer who's only here to save her monthly rent. Which ins't entirely wrong but she wouldn't want that to be her first impression.

This is the day that she rectifies the almost two weeks she's been gone from work. Even if Yuji had told them beforehand that she was injured, she could care less cause she needed some sort of paycheck, even if it wasn't at the same place.

It wasn't that she didn't want to work there. It's that she couldn't really work there if she was going to be here all the time. She would have to find another line of work that was closer to the dorms.

She sighed, stretching out her back and quickly grabbing her shoes to put on. She honestly looked like a tom-boy at the moment. With sweat pants and a white and yellow t-shirt, though she felt comfortable so she didn't care all that much.

Putting on her shoes and grabbing her phone to put into her pocket, she hesitantly opened her door and looked out into the hallway. She didn't want to bother anyone else if they were still sleeping, not like it was that early since it was seven in the morning, however she knows most people value their sleep.

She continues walking, entering a shared kitchen to see Fushiguro just scrolling on his phone and Nobara glaring at him. He seemed to always be on his phone when he wasn't fighting curses or acting like he didn't care about what others said.

"Good morning." Y/N greeted, not getting a response from the teenager.

"Good morning girl!" Nobara greets with a big smile, clearly much more of a talkative morning person than Fushiguro at least.
Y/N huffed in annoyance as she went to go grab a travel cup to bring some coffee with her.

"I know right? It's like he can't even see us." Nobara remarked, flipping her hair to the side before opening the fridge to look for something.

Y/N turns on the coffee pot, facing Fushiguro as he still ignores her presence and is occupied by his phone. Maybe it was just from her old age... Being a couple of years older than him, however she wanted to smack him upside the head. She wasn't his mother though so there was no point in that.

She grabs her travel cup, yawning again when she fills it up with the coffee she just made. She looks at Fushiguro once more before realizing that she never wants to be that unknowing of her own surroundings.

I mean, Nobara could literally kill him, he could have been dead but he wasn't... Because she didn't want to kill him. Someone could kill him though, and he would never know who did it. Heck, the killer could hide his body and everyone would think that he was just missing.

Damn, Y/N doesn't always remember thinking things like that. It was probably from all the curses and stuff she'd been around these few weeks.

"So, what'd you have planned today?" Nobara asks with an uninterested expression, pretending that she wasn't eager to talk to Y/N.

"Work, and packing."

"Oh... Nice... Anything else?" She continued, knowing that she was too excited to know what the older one was doing. She may have not known her well, however there was something about Y/N that made Nobara want to get close to her.

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