Curse Womb Must Die IIII, Fragile Heart

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"I'm such an idiot!" Y/N cries out, running around the cursed prison area with no sight of Itadori or anybody else. The only other thing she had seen was another dead body, but it was so morphed that she couldn't even tell how it died.

"I don't have any dogs to help me back and I can't fight so what do I do!?"

Y/N can't help but complain the whole time. Most people would scold her for feeling this way in a situation like this. People needed someone who could be strong, someone who could be smart and could fight.

But you have to understand, she only started doing this like a month and a half ago. And she still couldn't really see shit! It was fuzzing in and out!

She's not mentally or physically prepared for this, nor will she be able to if they just keep throwing her in these situations without any warning!


Y/N stands up again, running when she sees another one of those white faces. She's not sure that this just had one curse, it seemed like a whole lot more than just one curse.

"Itadori!?" She calls, getting somewhere close, at least she thinks. She wants to believe that she's at least makeing progress on something.

"It's been like five minutes, I shouldn't rush my search... Jeez, Itadori where are you? It's frustrating being in here without someone else." Y/N mumbles to herself, walking around a bit more. She felt like she bit off more than she could chew.

Why did she even run in here to begin with? It wasn't just in spite of Fushiguro was it? She's also pretty sure that she wanted Itadori safe.

This was a bad idea, not just going back in here but the whole thing?

The people were dead already, and the curse was counted for, so what was the point in sending literal kids here?

She was an adult, but for only a month damnit! It didn't count!

"Itadori! Where are you?!"

This was just straight up wrong.

And what was she even planning on doing if she found Itadori in the same situation with the same curse...

Or worse, dead?

What is she going to do if she finds him dead?

If Fushiguro would have helped this would have been easier.

That damn idiot.

Y/N grumbles, still searching and absolutely fed up with it. How big was this building on the inside even though it looked easy to navigate from the outside?



Y/N almost smiles, thinking that she's found him. I mean, that would be really helpful and convenient.

But, there was a key word.

Almost. She almost smiled

Because that wasn't his voice.

Y/N turned around, making eye contact with red.

Yuji's eye color wasn't red.

Nor did he have those black markings on him.

This was worse, this was so much worse because he was so much more scarier than the other curses. He was a different thing entirely and she could feel it, like it was just too much.

Why was she even here again?

"Why do you look so scared? I thought you were looking for his body weren't you? Well you sure found it!" Sukuna laughs, almost as if he's relishing in her cowardly nature.

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