Trying To Replace Pain

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"That was about it."

"... Alright, you can leave now."

Y/N nodded her head before leaving the room, not caring exactly where she was going anyway.

She felt so out of place that it was suspicious. Either someone was watching her, or Yuji used to make a whole lot more noise when he was around and she just never noticed it.

This was... Wrong.

She feels like she's though that a lot, but it was wrong. Y/N had no clue how to emotionally deal with this.

But life seemed to just be unfair all the time.

Y/N didn't want to do anything, at the moment she was just wandering the school, almost memorizing the halls and which rooms were where.

She's not really sure what to do, and since she's technically decided to still become a jujutsu sorcerer for Yuji, all she can really do is train.

She remembers when Gojo had talked about a student by the name of Maki, she also didn't have any cursed energy just like her and yet she was strong and very experienced with weapons. She could talk to her, hopefully get her to train her if she was willing.

However, their wasn't much else she could do. A she could do was train and learn more about curses in general. But that's it.

She felt kind of useless.

"So what's this?"

Y/N turns towards the voice, hearing it from an open window in the hallway. Y/N wasn't sure if she should respond or something because she couldn't see who was talking.

"You're looking even more bummed out than usual Megumi."

Ah, so whoever was talking, was conversing with Fushiguro... That didn't help cause she didn't know where he was. She could only assume he was outside.

Y/N listens into the conversation going on, following the voices since that was all she had to do right now before it lead her to go out the entrance of the school.

"So who are these guys?" Nobara asks, pointing at the three that were now arguing about how heartless the green haired one was, or something like that.

Y/N definitely spaced out as she watched the talking continue, because she can't remember a bear suddenly popping out of the back of a statue along with a blond haired boy.

"The second years."

Y/N just stood, leaning against the railing of the steps. She doesn't really know how to feel about the second years, but they definitely seem interesting.

"You have to try to be kinder to your underclassman." The panda states.

If Y/N wasn't feeling tired, she probably would had jumped down to pet it and ask how it could talk.

"Hey, being soft on them isn't gonna help them."

She seems like a very down to earth girl. It made sense because it wasn't going to fix anything anyways.

"Zenin is the best out of all the students at wielding cursed tools and that's the cursed speech user Inumaki, he can only speak in ingredients or rice balls. And that's panda." Fushiguro greets.

Okay fun... She wasn't going to remember any of that information. Then again, no one knew she was even there at the moment. She was just listening in, and possibly lurking where she shouldn't.

"There's one more, his name is Okkotsu and he's actually the only second year that I genuinely respect. But he's overseas right now."

"... Panda? That's all you're giving me is panda?" Nobara asks, thinking it was an easy out to explain why the heck there was a damn panda here.

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